


League: Premier
Team: sporting
Days in game: 6378
on the team account: 23 419 159 209 $

Experience of team: 1049.597/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 444 264 200 $
Stadium: José Alvalade 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Christian Ortag 10.165 0 4 532 100 62
full-backs D
99 Hong Myung Bo   5.185 0 235 900 65
10 Piteira   11.440 0 4 742 100 422
1 Filippo Costa 10.135 0 4 529 700 59
half-backs MD
222 Kaby 11.865 37 4 752 000 400
33 Gregory Sertic 11.065 20 4 655 400 240
100 Geoffrey Treand 10.305 16 4 532 700 57
forwards FC
10 Raoul Lambert 4.975 1 201 200 7
2 Denis Glavina 11.435 67 4 648 500 211
  Stanley Collymore   29.155 1302 5 657 900 1197
9 Dario Poveda 30.595 835 8 744 500 1069
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Goran Boromisa   65.535 0 29 100 000 909
full-backs D
26 Nelson Cabrera   65.535 0 32 017 900 728
99 Ruben Garces   60.140 0 25 866 600 526
10 Quentin Jakoba   65.535 1 30 686 300 242
  Abubakar Kanadzhiguj   56.727 3404 4 201 000 1132
24 Paulo Fonseca     65.535 0 30 480 700 729
half-backs MD
16 Iwo Ergovich   65.525 93 29 374 800 334
32 Ignasio Giminez     65.535 93 31 248 100 452
99 Giles Barnes     65.535 200 29 886 400 856
8 Carlos Bonet     65.535 234 29 856 400 858
forwards FC
17 Claudio Correa   65.535 638 29 077 500 659
  Maurice Fransen     65.535 642 31 505 700 749
10 Jean Bigirama   65.535 702 30 053 100 697
  Adriano Marciano   65.535 623 33 677 700 715
total: 25 / 25 1049.597   444 264 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 61.83 24.771
center 15.397 15.61
right flank 45.613 26.988
Power of stuff: 190.211
trainer Paulo Bento (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.8715 games: 7494
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.0229 games: 13604
The number of won private leagues: 0

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Austria   873  
Brazil   202  
England   1 953  
France   1 846  
Germany   1 801  
Moldova   669  
Portugal   253 068 078  
Russia   1 882  
Spain   1 942  
Switzerland   1 303  
total   5502 253 080 549 1