


League: Premier
Team: BayerLeverkusen
Days in game: 6423
last login 11 days ago
on the team account: 31 585 778 371 $

Experience of team: 988.36/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 443 499 400 $
Stadium: BayArena 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Alexander Ogrinc   14.117 0 5 196 000 1187
full-backs D
5 Carlos Clerc 11.402 0 4 813 100 594
5 Carles Planas 11.607 0 4 848 400 639
  Andreas Hermansen 11.402 0 4 815 800 613
half-backs MD
222 Javier Munoz 12.639 96 4 884 100 658
10 Roberto Olabe   12.712 100 4 891 200 662
101 Jose Angel Hernandez 11.957 37 4 853 200 623
forwards FC
  Johannes Dorfler 14.804 324 4 897 300 560
221 Marvin Zeegelaar 31.177 1815 2 812 300 1130
7 Berkant Guner 14.382 267 4 919 200 602
10 Uwe Seeler 5.080 5 221 200 40
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Nicolas Poli   65.535 0 39 273 800 446
full-backs D
100 Robbie Hooker     65.535 0 35 220 700 433
44 Karlos Baez     65.535 25 28 475 900 1098
3 Simone Farina   65.535 1 34 379 900 439
half-backs MD
99 Bjorn Engemann   65.530 110 41 005 400 647
  Vasily Klochkov   65.530 258 24 258 900 747
56 Michael Ferrante     65.535 220 38 565 900 523
forwards FC
  Enzo Francescoli   6.085 45 316 300 161
9 Anthony Bova   61.056 2411 12 933 800 1148
1 Mauro Andres Caballero   53.135 122 24 794 500 124
13 Gerd Muller   65.535 970 29 590 600 1050
15 Quentin Bur   65.530 1382 23 077 500 959
  Cesar Meza Colli   61.485 361 27 650 400 392
1 Alhassane Keita     65.520 1782 36 804 000 1198
total: 25 / 25 988.36   443 499 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 29.431 25.07
center 27.483 29.178
right flank 52.409 33.085
Power of stuff: 196.659
trainer Katanec Srechko (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.3819 games: 9235
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1079 games: 51166
The number of won private leagues: 58

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Germany   1 007 510 487  
Scotland   1 689  
total   21676 1 007 512 176 1