


League: Premier
Team: Marseille
Days in game: 6235
last login 9 days ago
on the team account: 64 855 644 286 $

Experience of team: 820.596/1050
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 422 182 300 $
Stadium: Vélodrome 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
255 Sonny Laiton 10.905 0 4 784 500 625
full-backs D
  Philippe Christanval 6.525 0 740 900 854
88 Antonio Bocchetti 11.960 0 5 208 400 891
80 Prince-Desir Gouano 11.170 0 4 916 500 623
half-backs MD
  Jerome Rothen   11.956 92 4 868 700 620
18 Frederic Bulot 12.048 51 5 105 900 614
1 Jonathan Schmid 12.875 146 5 070 800 616
forwards FC
9 Alexander Riemann 10.515 47 4 563 400 120
  Andrea Crestani 15.091 122 6 359 700 306
10 Robert Vaduva 9.565 20 2 346 500 54
11 Benjamin Aulagnier 14.778 350 5 037 700 614
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
  Paolo Ortiz     65.535 46 35 070 500 983
10 Sabino Oviedo   39.565 0 18 419 900 13
full-backs D
  Vladimer Tutoian   59.630 0 26 260 100 56
59 Antonio Amores     65.535 62 37 184 500 976
22 Yonny Peralta   49.651 0 21 364 200 17
half-backs MD
14 Cedric Ruault   65.535 100 43 801 300 605
10 Cerou Fofana   65.535 165 43 156 700 527
100 Demetres Kyriakou     65.535 117 42 176 200 660
23 Zlatan Ljubljankich     49.760 74 18 162 600 177
9 Pedro Vera   65.535 107 30 642 200 116
99 Cirilo Mora   65.535 144 41 715 200 325
forwards FC
  Nathan Bizet   15.366 292 5 729 700 538
11 Alessandro Romairone   20.491 47 9 496 200 94
total: 24 / 25 820.596   422 182 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 42.744 23.161
center 18.959 26.587
right flank 29.988 24.158
Power of stuff: 165.6
trainer Gerard Houllier (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.4414 games: 8449
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.6650 games: 16689
The number of won private leagues: 0

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
France   181 225 030  
Greece   1 883  
total   4017 181 226 913 1