


League: not entered
Team: fk_niva
Days in game: 4020
last login 5 days ago
on the team account: 93 564 972 571 $

Experience of team: 750.967/1050
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 302 513 300 $
Stadium: none 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
2 Vladislav Vaschuk 13.790 0 5 088 500 602
33 Dmytro Ulyanov 13.790 0 5 093 000 602
5 Sergey Dirjavka 12.790 0 5 052 000 449
1 Yuriy Dmytrulin   13.770 0 5 088 500 602
4 Jury Sak 13.790 0 5 088 500 602
half-backs MD
49 Dmytro Lukanov 14.695 123 5 087 100 602
6 Sergey Kormiltsev 13.375 88 4 986 600 406
10 Oleh Holodyuk 13.455 0 5 062 500 602
7 Andriy Gusin 11.725 17 4 840 400 154
forwards FC
  Ilia Mikhalev 13.310 27 5 073 400 591
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
100 Dominik Kakolewski   48.555 0 21 360 400 165
111 Dmytro Prysiazhniuk   44.740 0 20 755 500 0
full-backs D
3 Sebastian Jung   15.310 0 6 844 500 0
100 Serhiy Fedorov   34.942 0 13 307 200 173
111 Evgen Eliseev   39.950 0 18 869 400 63
100 Jonathan Rivierez   46.915 0 20 596 900 147
half-backs MD
200 Pavel Shkapenko   37.165 0 17 592 000 0
100 Evgen Kotyun   52.880 600 20 502 300 406
100 Dmytro Shcherbak   55.155 472 21 884 400 329
100 Dmytro Lapa   46.075 43 20 835 700 68
100 Danylo Zhytskyi   65.535 1101 24 380 500 517
forwards FC
111 Lee Gregory   65.535 1539 25 213 100 585
  Nazariy Mukha   39.265 1094 13 883 300 1066
  Ricuenio Kewal   24.455 725 6 027 600 960
total: 24 / 25 750.967   302 513 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 4.346 31.237
center 39.876 62.958
right flank 4.775 31.64
Power of stuff: 174.835
trainer Walter Schachner (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.1855 games: 2874
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 4.8015 games: 8590
The number of won private leagues: 150

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Portugal   221 942 132  
total   4751 221 942 132 1