


League: not entered
Team: IFK_Norrkping
Days in game: 3795
last login 5 days ago
on the team account: 47 170 057 595 $

Experience of team: 907.933/1050
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 353 084 000 $
Stadium: none 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
11 Yevhen Patskan 13.030 0 5 457 900 258
full-backs D
10 Oleksii Bykov 16.710 0 5 661 400 844
1 Aleksandr Kucher 14.080 0 6 373 500 122
  Serhiy Yavorsky 15.535 0 5 431 300 783
half-backs MD
  I Boychuk 18.035 165 6 082 100 642
82 Rebenok Pavel 17.875 156 5 478 700 891
5 Maksim Kalinichenko   19.280 184 5 723 600 993
3 Oleksandr Chizhov   20.690 244 5 871 000 1132
forwards FC
7 Sunday Mba   26.296 932 6 729 900 469
111 Mykhaylo Udod 53.440 2578 10 478 200 1117
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
111 Kernozenko Vjacheslav   65.535 260 35 791 700 837
111 Oleksiy Bashtanenko   38.860 0 18 447 000 0
full-backs D
111 Ihor Oshchypko   55.770 0 26 726 800 90
111 Krystian Mis   39.885 0 18 785 600 97
111 Serhiy Bezhenar   45.000 0 19 974 100 95
half-backs MD
111 Yuri Bulychev   19.690 1 8 799 700 2
111 Vladyslav Shkinder   20.410 0 9 127 500 0
100 Michal Trabka   65.535 2870 23 898 500 1192
111 Mikael Torset Johnsen   42.465 242 18 559 400 185
222 Vladyslav Kraev   65.535 2063 21 735 800 1151
222 Yuri Maksimov   64.637 2278 15 764 500 988
forwards FC
111 Jan Inge Lynum   40.765 53 18 896 900 110
255 Driton Camaj   65.535 2770 27 848 700 1198
111 Vincent Aboubakar   63.340 111 25 440 200 133
total: 24 / 25 907.933   353 084 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 87.865 44.234
center 57.976 42.196
right flank 11.618 35.568
Power of stuff: 279.46
trainer Frank Arok (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.4021 games: 2381
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 4.7582 games: 8011
The number of won private leagues: 151

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Sweden   94 212 857  
total   2020 94 212 857 1