


League: not entered
Team: Interblock_Ljubljana
Days in game: 5405
last login 3 days ago
on the team account: 82 071 815 097 $

Experience of team: 1295.915/1500
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 485 588 100 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
111 Vyacheslav Kernozenko 65.535 313 24 025 500 1144
full-backs D
13 Matic Reja 13.845 0 6 231 600 35
13 Matej Mavric 14.380 0 5 827 800 334
half-backs MD
111 Sergiy Konovalov 65.535 1307 21 751 400 817
111 Sergiy Serebrennikov 65.535 786 23 935 700 640
9 Serhiy Zakarliuka 13.490 14 5 718 000 113
111 Roman Maksymyuk 65.535 2988 20 471 000 1061
forwards FC
222 Oleksiy Byelik 65.535 3027 13 771 900 1084
99 Oleksandr Kosyrin 63.905 3390 12 560 900 1096
20 Oleh Venglinski 14.005 34 6 053 200 67
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
111 Serhii Popov   65.535 70 32 978 300 542
full-backs D
100 Andriy Nesmachniy   65.535 793 32 782 800 972
  Vasiliy Turyanchik   65.535 1209 27 172 000 1195
222 Vyacheslav Shevchuk   62.935 23 24 746 200 512
6 Viktor Skripnik   65.535 1579 18 568 700 1196
222 Yuriy Dmitrulin   62.215 321 22 400 200 655
half-backs MD
6 Evgeniy Levchenko   33.975 19 15 965 000 109
111 Valerii Kriventsov   65.535 3064 28 118 400 1174
16 Andrey Polunin   34.140 18 16 052 800 110
44 Stefan Vukcevic   65.535 1039 27 692 300 1198
111 Hennadii Zubov   65.535 3013 30 023 800 1157
forwards FC
255 Serhiy Skachenko   65.535 3776 20 396 500 1168
9 Sergey Konovalov   65.535 3261 23 156 600 1179
100 Oleg Venglinsky   65.535 3044 25 187 500 1095
total: 24 / 25 1295.915   485 588 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 56.626 89.689
center 141.991 56.796
right flank 143.879 88.993
Power of stuff: 577.978
trainer Aleksandr Tenyagin (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 3.5950 games: 4115
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.4851 games: 15936
The number of won private leagues: 72

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   161  
Belgium   650  
Czech   48  
Denmark   1 583  
England   190  
France   109  
Germany   704  
Italy   685  
Poland   76  
Portugal   4  
Russia   469  
Slovenia   236 799 046  
Spain   861  
Sweden   141  
Switzerland   172  
Turkey   731  
Ukraine   979  
total   4801 236 806 609 1