


League: not entered
Team: Xodak
Days in game: 1099
last login 773 days ago
on the team account: 14 706 017 355 $

Experience of team: 104.263/200
Quantity of footballers: 21
Salary expenses for all footballers: 27 999 600 $
Stadium: Xodak Arena 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Bilan Igor 7.640 0 4 668 200 735
full-backs D
  Alexandru Leu   4.780 0 1 591 000 499
  Alexandru Mardari 2.395 0 347 000 714
10 Alexander Spizhavka   6.125 0 1 514 600 129
half-backs MD
  Alexandru Dulghier 1.310 63 439 600 1163
  Artiom Haciaturov   4.390 20 1 628 200 699
21 Alexander Fisher 5.795 1 1 511 600 162
32 Dmitry Plemedjale   4.660 99 1 732 800 1010
forwards FC
10 Andrey Nesteruk   2.055 116 323 800 717
  Cristian Cucovei 6.650 0 1 503 000 42
  Nicolae Triboi 3.050 17 242 800 338
reserve: 10
goalkeepers GK
10 Alexander Dumic   4.825 0 226 400 99
full-backs D
23 Vladimir Kovacevic   8.530 0 4 758 400 895
28 Adrian Sosnovski   6.885 0 1 534 800 112
half-backs MD
10 Arthur Chumak   7.075 4 1 519 600 48
  Petru Racu   5.720 0 1 610 800 476
  Andrei Conohov     2.915 7 311 800 556
14 Alexandru Onica   6.865 38 1 598 400 335
forwards FC
1 Oleksandr Yarovenko     5.260 24 232 400 78
  Dmytro Sautin   4.560 54 254 800 228
11 Ion CHesnau   2.778 281 449 600 1175
total: 21 / 25 104.263   27 999 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 5.391 12.699
center 8.562 12.684
right flank 10.842 10.609
Power of stuff: 60.79

Official matches: wins/losses 0.6486 games: 267
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.7389 games: 9264
The number of won private leagues: 38
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   39  
Armenia   11  
Australia   4  
Austria   436  
Azerbaijan   0  
Belarus   51  
Belgium   90  
Brazil   3  
Bulgaria   0  
Cameroon   0  
Chile   18  
Colombia   9  
Croatia   273  
Cyprus   0  
Czech   0  
Denmark   57  
Ecuador   0  
Egypt   52  
England   11  
Estonia   32  
Finland   0  
France   31  
Georgia   4  
Germany   3  
Ghana   93  
Greece   2  
Ireland   73  
Israel   5  
Italy   5  
Japan   31  
Kazakhstan   4  
Latvia   0  
Lithuania   9  
Mexico   73  
Moldova   6 878  
Netherlands   8  
Nigeria   0  
Norway   0  
Paraguay   0  
Peru   1  
Poland   1  
Portugal   20  
Romania   0  
Russia   174  
Scotland   0  
Serbia   0  
Slovakia   0  
Slovenia   29  
South Africa   0  
Spain   41  
Sweden   97  
Switzerland   22  
Turkey   5  
USA   39  
Ukraine   0  
Uruguay   0  
Venezuela   0  
Wales   0  
total   58 8 734 1