


League: not entered
Team: Patriot_
Days in game: 1099
last login 773 days ago
on the team account: 2 363 354 056 $

Experience of team: 41.95/45
Quantity of footballers: 16
Salary expenses for all footballers: 10 376 400 $
Stadium: ????????? 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
5 Andriy Starcev 1.215 0 323 200 806
full-backs D
5 Alan Kovalenko 4.020 0 1 622 400 704
3 Ivan Latuha 4.605 0 1 708 500 894
25 Dmytro Belov   2.425 0 298 400 589
half-backs MD
  Alexander Tarasenkov 1.070 0 454 500 1189
5 Igor Volotek   2.460 2 1 624 000 932
forwards FC
  Alexander Kovgan 5.765 206 1 650 100 671
  Arsen Mustafaev 2.510 46 239 600 421
10 Alexander Kapusta   0.980 80 310 800 816
99 Aleksandr Koroev 2.895 68 282 400 496
reserve: 6
full-backs D
77 Andriy Savchenko   2.910 0 279 200 482
half-backs MD
  Artem Syomka   1.695 10 254 800 573
  Dmytro Rodin   3.925 20 288 400 404
14 Igor Klimchak   1.430 42 403 700 1061
20 Alexey Baharev   1.060 17 328 300 838
forwards FC
19 Konstantin Aleshkin   2.985 86 308 100 575
total: 16 / 25 41.95   10 376 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 6.745 2.707
center 5.325 7.846
right flank 4.169 6.17
Power of stuff: 32.964

Official matches: wins/losses 0.4385 games: 297
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.6999 games: 10485
The number of won private leagues: 35
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   34  
Armenia   0  
Australia   150  
Austria   52  
Azerbaijan   134  
Belarus   42  
Belgium   12  
Brazil   2  
Bulgaria   0  
Cameroon   0  
Chile   18  
Colombia   21  
Croatia   19  
Cyprus   1  
Czech   0  
Denmark   123  
Ecuador   0  
Egypt   33  
England   5  
Estonia   17  
Finland   22  
France   144  
Georgia   2  
Germany   31  
Ghana   52  
Greece   9  
Ireland   23  
Israel   24  
Italy   4  
Japan   2  
Kazakhstan   3  
Latvia   0  
Lithuania   0  
Mexico   38  
Moldova   22  
Netherlands   43  
Nigeria   0  
Norway   0  
Paraguay   0  
Peru   45  
Poland   0  
Portugal   42  
Romania   0  
Russia   228  
Scotland   6  
Serbia   0  
Slovakia   0  
Slovenia   19  
South Africa   0  
Spain   78  
Sweden   7  
Switzerland   10  
Turkey   13  
USA   0  
Ukraine   1 811  
Uruguay   0  
Venezuela   9  
Wales   0  
total   58 3 350 1