


League: not entered
Team: OGO_
Days in game: 1097
last login 771 days ago
on the team account: 2 704 093 962 $

Experience of team: 102.6/200
Quantity of footballers: 18
Salary expenses for all footballers: 30 744 800 $
Stadium: Estádio do Dragão 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
  Bruno Pedro 8.960 0 4 638 400 506
full-backs D
  Alexandre Lima 5.880 0 1 612 000 440
  Antonio Pereira   6.300 0 1 581 200 307
14 Alvaro Maciel   5.995 0 1 651 600 545
half-backs MD
110 Andre Branco   4.075 30 1 771 200 1191
1 Diogo Valente   5.825 14 1 582 000 402
forwards FC
9 Rui Varela 3.565 201 374 900 744
21 Orlando Sa 1.550 63 230 200 609
100 Bruno Pais 6.770 23 1 529 000 118
7 Claro   6.700 31 1 537 400 157
reserve: 8
goalkeepers GK
  Bruno Martins   9.510 0 4 533 800 154
full-backs D
  Alan Yakimenko     5.325 0 1 779 600 1041
  Andre Risso     5.255 0 1 743 800 935
half-backs MD
  Alexandre Dias   4.640 1 210 600 82
10 Duda   8.675 0 4 615 400 488
forwards FC
10 Andre Cacito   5.160 341 529 200 1095
11 L Cardoso   3.585 116 357 500 665
13 Joao Paiva   4.830 238 467 000 902
total: 18 / 25 102.6   30 744 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 12.496 15.461
center 4.634 15.894
right flank 11.231 10.353
Power of stuff: 70.071

Official matches: wins/losses 0.7097 games: 228
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.7530 games: 10100
The number of won private leagues: 28
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   14  
Armenia   0  
Australia   11  
Austria   169  
Azerbaijan   22  
Belarus   147  
Belgium   38  
Brazil   23  
Bulgaria   0  
Cameroon   5  
Chile   0  
Colombia   2  
Croatia   46  
Cyprus   0  
Czech   0  
Denmark   234  
Ecuador   0  
Egypt   46  
England   25  
Estonia   16  
Finland   0  
France   122  
Georgia   0  
Germany   34  
Ghana   135  
Greece   0  
Ireland   19  
Israel   0  
Italy   4  
Japan   137  
Kazakhstan   0  
Latvia   0  
Lithuania   0  
Mexico   20  
Moldova   15  
Netherlands   21  
Nigeria   0  
Norway   0  
Paraguay   0  
Peru   0  
Poland   0  
Portugal   4 444  
Romania   0  
Russia   241  
Scotland   0  
Serbia   0  
Slovakia   0  
Slovenia   0  
South Africa   0  
Spain   45  
Sweden   69  
Switzerland   12  
Turkey   36  
USA   0  
Ukraine   47  
Uruguay   0  
Venezuela   0  
Wales   0  
total   58 6 199 1