


League: not entered
Team: Pushkari
Days in game: 5115
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 30 591 388 266 $

Experience of team: 456.848/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 123 816 600 $
Stadium: Emirates Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Sergio Asenjo 12.140 0 4 715 200 363
255 Lars Unnerstall 13.065 0 4 846 400 687
full-backs D
1 Jose Carlos Junior 10.650 0 4 564 800 114
222 Christian Fuchs 11.390 0 1 972 400 848
111 Marek Suchy 15.175 0 5 087 300 1062
half-backs MD
  Juraj Kucka 15.205 143 4 932 200 710
7 Rasmus Falk Jensen 10.740 9 4 566 600 113
20 Kevin Mohwald 18.120 332 5 104 200 986
255 Riccardo Saponara   13.480 125 4 750 600 381
forwards FC
85 Andre Gray 21.380 652 5 177 300 966
222 Zlatko Junuzovic 17.485 616 2 096 000 832
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Aleksey Shirokov     19.390 0 5 599 500 1188
full-backs D
255 Holger Badstuber   15.710 0 5 124 300 1167
  Bruno Ecuele Manga   15.814 0 5 132 000 1167
4 Anton Tinnerholm   19.421 0 5 617 300 1177
5 Cameron Norman   21.472 0 5 811 900 1150
17 Arnaud Le Lan     18.506 0 5 303 000 1137
half-backs MD
25 Andrew Hjulsager     25.197 435 5 517 400 1071
12 Vitaly Lobko   22.556 189 5 563 900 1108
  Charlie Webster     17.115 124 5 171 500 1170
12 Tiago Dias     26.681 673 5 614 200 1039
forwards FC
  Jose Holebas     21.355 610 5 216 800 1062
11 Stephen Ward     31.026 1455 5 943 000 1124
121 Felipe Pardo   22.030 730 5 243 900 867
1 Borja Iglesias   21.745 741 5 144 900 855
total: 25 / 25 456.848   123 816 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 7.885 20.95
center 20.645 34.358
right flank 62.446 44.233
Power of stuff: 190.52
trainer Alex Penny (2 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 3.0380 games: 6344
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.8222 games: 34286
The number of won private leagues: 115

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belarus   124 468 191  
England   156 309  
total   2654 124 624 500 2