


League: not entered
Team: FC_Real_Kyiv
Days in game: 5117
on the team account: 29 438 058 749 $

Experience of team: 471.066/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 127 525 500 $
Stadium: Santiago Bernabeu 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
21 Jose Sa 15.285 0 5 045 200 944
25 Daniele Padelli 14.685 0 5 072 200 884
full-backs D
  Elkan Baggott 10.035 0 4 502 800 5
10 Ismail Koybasi 14.065 0 4 909 600 687
37 Jordan Lukaku 13.785 0 4 880 000 637
half-backs MD
7 Pione Sisto 10.650 10 4 558 000 103
14 Iver Fossum 10.635 7 4 558 200 101
20 Petros Mantalos 10.735 22 4 557 200 95
forwards FC
38 Omer Bayram 14.715 384 1 972 400 659
  Robert Zulj 25.205 929 5 370 300 1072
  Matej Vydra   24.420 804 5 364 600 1084
reserve: 14
full-backs D
  Fonte   15.950 0 5 163 600 1198
26 Joel Keller   18.821 0 5 585 600 1143
2 Shane Duffy     15.920 0 5 165 100 1198
5 Nicolas Seube     18.397 0 5 293 200 1128
22 Tomas Hubocan   16.655 0 5 408 700 1197
half-backs MD
  Stefano Fragapane   22.230 265 5 398 300 1114
7 Inigo Ruiz de Galarreta   26.668 800 5 529 900 1127
8 Aatif Chahechouhe   20.195 83 5 337 300 1129
8 Benoit Cheyrou   22.957 443 5 574 500 1153
forwards FC
12 Christian Gimenez     35.580 1781 6 026 300 1146
255 Kemal Ademi   26.855 1074 5 456 800 1040
20 Mohamed Soumare   21.251 931 6 192 200 1143
40 Raffael de Araujo   22.540 675 5 299 100 1121
18 Janis Danner   22.832 690 5 304 400 1104
total: 25 / 25 471.066   127 525 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 36.227 28.004
center 31.893 29.69
right flank 35.483 33.728
Power of stuff: 195.028
trainer Bobby Evans (2 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 3.2657 games: 6111
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.8028 games: 35129
The number of won private leagues: 117

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Spain   271 887  
Wales   143 992 636  
total   3006 144 264 523 2