


League: not entered
Team: Bombardir-Kiew
Days in game: 5116
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 29 034 976 860 $

Experience of team: 461.095/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 123 412 000 $
Stadium: НСК Олимпийский 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Volkan Demirel 14.460 0 5 009 200 783
full-backs D
  Jardel Vieira 15.305 0 5 088 400 1086
  Omar Colley   12.990 0 4 810 400 529
2 Frido JUuonto 10.015 0 4 501 600 4
25 Sverrir Ingi Ingason 13.395 0 4 845 200 593
half-backs MD
8 Jonas Hector 14.765 128 4 890 400 627
10 Lucas Silva Borges 10.700 23 4 563 800 116
forwards FC
  Nacer Chadli 18.925 498 5 003 600 681
14 Anastasios Bakasetas 10.190 11 4 513 800 25
13 Karim Bellarabi 20.065 569 5 106 000 692
22 Thomas Murg 22.425 778 5 206 000 936
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Pavao Pervan     14.080 0 5 005 200 975
1 Ilya Poroh   13.611 0 1 051 500 1176
full-backs D
255 Christoph Zimmermann     14.990 0 5 076 800 1092
13 Yrles Teoro-Kurzawa     15.835 0 6 132 800 1142
half-backs MD
100 Evgen Shakhov   16.500 123 5 137 000 1136
  Danny Latza   17.360 140 5 168 000 1121
8 Antonio Marchesano   24.900 641 5 478 400 1037
76 Leonardo Felipe Valencia   25.615 440 5 598 600 1100
8 Kevin Strootman   19.782 404 5 213 900 1099
37 Inigo Perez   27.613 729 5 705 300 1136
56 Marios Poutziouris   27.200 732 5 590 200 1080
forwards FC
9 Carlos Bacca     19.905 776 2 358 000 1052
111 Cesar Tamayo Pinares   24.121 885 5 504 400 1006
89 Jamie Gray   36.348 1688 6 853 500 1109
total: 25 / 25 461.095   123 412 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 45.876 18.45
center 7.168 42.504
right flank 51.769 33.414
Power of stuff: 199.183
trainer Eddy Brown (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 3.0629 games: 7133
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.8338 games: 27837
The number of won private leagues: 99

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Colombia   95 230 235  
Ukraine   74 236  
total   2002 95 304 471 2