


League: Premier
Team: Oranje_Dream
Days in game: 4947
on the team account: 80 508 936 930 $

Experience of team: 986.545/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 399 583 100 $
Stadium: Holland 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Hans van Breukelen   35.530 0 16 348 500 18
full-backs D
4 Ernie Brandts   22.740 0 10 442 300 109
15 Adrianus van Tiggelen 17.705 0 7 176 300 45
half-backs MD
14 Rafael van der Vaart   25.120 3 10 362 300 36
88 Wim Jonk 19.930 7 9 066 700 37
8 Wim Jansen 24.280 21 9 210 800 56
17 Erwin Koeman   34.155 68 13 942 800 376
forwards FC
10 Johnny Rep 65.535 673 21 762 900 391
19 John Bosman   65.535 1422 18 958 300 880
5 David Healy 65.535 1498 21 356 300 994
22 Edu Souza 19.110 0 8 769 000 1
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
21 Peter Schrijvers   51.514 0 22 758 800 551
full-backs D
4 Ruud Krol   35.480 0 16 032 200 279
3 Wim Rijsbergen   32.940 0 14 487 000 234
13 Johnny Heitinga   35.640 0 16 104 600 231
12 Hubertus van Aerle     45.915 0 19 234 900 742
2 Wim Suurbier   47.342 0 20 316 300 749
half-backs MD
55 Martin ONeill   50.885 380 18 971 100 1061
5 Giovanni van Bronckhorst   50.070 148 20 460 700 818
6 Mark Van Bommel   48.005 122 19 711 400 938
16 Jan Jacobus Wouters   39.710 12 18 611 200 143
7 Arie Haan   62.844 291 24 145 900 1171
forwards FC
9 Johnny vant Schip   29.580 46 13 739 200 60
11 Piet Keizer   25.445 12 10 724 100 33
18 Roy Makaay   36.000 38 16 889 500 43
total: 25 / 25 986.545   399 583 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 114.472 51.366
center 114.401 51.841
right flank 93.359 53.122
Power of stuff: 478.564
trainer Carlos Santana (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 4.0266 games: 7518
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.6627 games: 28818
The number of won private leagues: 193

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belarus   814  
Belgium   986  
Bulgaria   489  
Croatia   83  
England   4 602  
Estonia   364  
Germany   2 790  
Italy   2 614  
Latvia   191  
Netherlands   1 311 376 632  
Norway   382  
Poland   266  
Russia   2 460  
Scotland   111  
Slovenia   1 577  
Spain   1 377  
Sweden   461  
Switzerland   575  
Ukraine   2 701  
total   26235 1 311 399 475 1