


League: Premier
Team: Back_in_USSR
Days in game: 4960
on the team account: 94 285 608 497 $

Experience of team: 956.605/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 407 566 200 $
Stadium: Nord Star 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Pat Jennings 65.535 53 37 260 600 1198
full-backs D
77 Sergey Gorlukovich   23.720 0 10 596 900 80
4 Yury Nikiforov 20.535 0 9 208 800 58
2 Alexey Berezutskiy   44.915 0 18 172 000 1112
half-backs MD
6 Sergey Semak 22.530 10 8 546 000 50
8 Fyodor Cherenkov   20.880 6 8 712 300 46
13 Roman Shirokov 27.485 15 10 797 800 103
77 Dmitry Torbinsky 33.275 17 14 894 600 87
forwards FC
15 Vladimir Beschastnykh 17.475 10 6 947 900 34
99 Igor Simutenkov   23.185 33 8 818 700 66
99 Gennadiy Yevriuzhikin   65.535 1643 18 874 700 1061
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Cherchesov     34.740 0 16 133 800 74
21 Sergei Ovchinnikov   49.380 0 21 744 000 394
full-backs D
99 Dmitriy Sennikov   44.060 0 18 997 400 746
5 Yuri Kovtun   41.300 0 19 368 900 233
222 Gary Naysmith   43.005 0 17 435 000 1196
3 Viktor Onopko   28.570 32 11 473 400 438
2 Dmitry Khlestov   36.235 0 17 127 700 97
half-backs MD
10 Aleksandr Mostovoi   39.660 52 17 411 700 251
7 Igor Shalimov   46.135 48 20 590 800 550
8 Valery Karpin   39.380 25 17 500 100 167
14 Konstantin Zyrianov   51.890 277 20 735 900 988
forwards FC
9 Igor Kolyvanov   58.770 754 20 906 600 526
11 Sergei Yuran   38.340 51 18 230 500 82
10 Igor Dobrovolski   40.070 108 17 080 100 144
total: 25 / 25 956.605   407 566 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 133.2 104.652
center 28.086 79.488
right flank 36.289 84.083
Power of stuff: 465.8
trainer Gavriil Kachalin (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.8722 games: 9507
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.7736 games: 33343
The number of won private leagues: 253

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Armenia   31  
Bulgaria   266  
England   3 466  
Estonia   631  
Germany   91  
Greece   8  
Ireland   324  
Italy   3 119  
Lithuania   1 133  
Poland   183  
Russia   1 376 676 224  
Slovenia   677  
Spain   4 825  
Turkey   118  
Ukraine   2 211  
total   27544 1 376 693 307 1