


League: Premier
Team: LIDA
Days in game: 5199
on the team account: 244 216 424 018 $

Experience of team: 888.685/1050
Quantity of footballers: 27
Salary expenses for all footballers: 294 271 800 $
Stadium: SEDOY 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Aleksey Balagan   5.680 0 305 600 150
100 Benjamin Lecomte 65.535 2 26 190 300 1114
full-backs D
2 Ashley Williams 65.535 60 24 337 900 1022
2 Graeme Le Saux 65.535 0 25 731 600 1062
half-backs MD
100 Luiz dos Santos   65.535 2459 15 808 800 1181
1 Dostonbek Khamdanov 6.595 45 407 400 275
1 Hernani Azevedo 5.425 4 292 800 28
1 Christos Pierettis   6.130 0 424 400 236
1 Maxime Barthelme 7.025 82 436 900 222
forwards FC
2 Vitali Bulyga 37.333 969 9 432 800 1122
98 Mikhail Gornak   17.050 324 5 184 400 402
reserve: 16
full-backs D
2 Joe Carolan   32.180 0 13 497 000 171
1 Evgeni Klopotskiy     13.445 0 5 198 100 521
22 Nicolae Lupescu   24.730 0 10 685 900 172
1 Michael Gorbachev   16.235 0 5 909 100 629
2 Robin Yalcin   35.514 0 14 149 700 818
half-backs MD
2 Nicklas Strunck Jakobsen   40.699 529 12 758 200 1002
2 Andriy Gitchenko   37.185 172 13 114 600 783
2 Dirk Schoenaker   30.635 26 12 314 100 156
2 Ben Thompson   29.475 32 11 874 000 323
2 Alvaro Medran   45.600 476 17 258 900 339
2 Pavlo Schedrakov   34.900 122 11 839 500 877
2 Fabrizio Angileri   58.397 1095 18 062 700 1119
100 Viktor Claesson   25.915 0 11 334 000 0
forwards FC
2 Luis Jose Castillo   50.472 1644 11 693 500 911
2 Brahim Ouardi   37.525 1096 9 424 300 539
1 Pavel Savitskiy     28.400 585 6 605 300 462
total: 27 / 25 888.685   294 271 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 25.691 91.182
center 30.043 74.713
right flank 74.117 62.124
Power of stuff: 357.872
trainer Danny Bergara (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 3.7180 games: 7278
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.0066 games: 31710
The number of won private leagues: 48

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belarus   321 502 966  
England   1 505  
Russia   965  
Ukraine   934  
total   6430 321 506 370 1