


League: Premier
Team: FCLida
Days in game: 5188
on the team account: 10 050 561 728 $

Experience of team: 289.549/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 104 817 500 $
Stadium: POLINA 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Dmitri Gushchenko 8.053 0 4 614 100 509
full-backs D
10 Stanislav Sazonovich   3.763 0 297 500 392
10 Nikita Naumov   2.217 0 303 600 578
100 Pavel Rybak 2.783 0 311 400 553
half-backs MD
10 Artyom Buloychik   2.254 24 297 100 588
10 Igor Maltsev   3.839 30 355 000 526
86 Aleksandr Karnitskiy   2.738 0 286 700 497
10 Sergey Gigevich   4.460 98 466 300 757
forwards FC
10 Dmitry Mozolevsky   2.640 75 305 700 580
10 Vitaly Dejkalo 4.360 26 238 900 158
10 Alexander Sazankov 3.727 88 334 100 535
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Nikolai Osipovich   16.626 0 6 624 700 559
10 Andrey Shcherbakov   16.520 0 6 426 500 269
22 Raul Plassmann   28.420 0 12 530 000 0
32 Aleksey Gorodovoy   32.920 0 10 494 500 967
full-backs D
  Vobga Tenchen   15.111 0 6 320 600 734
10 Vasily Djatlov   14.484 0 6 309 100 856
3 Maksim Shvetsov   14.390 0 5 831 500 152
1 Evgeni Savostjanov   14.320 0 5 822 500 156
  Mikhail Shibun   14.390 0 5 831 500 152
half-backs MD
10 M Kozlov   16.664 92 6 485 200 913
10 Svyatoslav Bokhan   15.465 26 6 099 200 194
15 Sergey Kislyak   17.382 172 6 502 700 925
forwards FC
10 Vladimir Yurchenko   12.745 60 5 192 700 75
  Denis Laptev   19.278 387 6 536 400 909
total: 25 / 25 289.549   104 817 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 10.772 12.046
center 5.784 13.854
right flank 6.4 4.221
Power of stuff: 53.08
trainer Andrea Manzo (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.3260 games: 9753
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9306 games: 325304
The number of won private leagues: 858

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   59 139 222  
Cyprus   1 333  
England   1 266  
Russia   1 682  
Ukraine   1 356  
total   1201 59 144 859 2