


League: Premier
Days in game: 5190
on the team account: 13 363 275 618 $

Experience of team: 284.628/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 106 471 900 $
Stadium: KSUSHA 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Sergey Kurganskiy 4.965 0 205 500 16
100 Vladislav Vasilyuchek 1.821 0 281 600 573
full-backs D
100 Aleksey Vasilevski   3.071 0 246 800 342
55 Vyacheslav Yaroslavskiy 8.217 0 4 771 600 722
10 Sergey Matvejchik   7.186 0 4 724 500 848
half-backs MD
10 Filipp Ivanov 1.466 34 403 700 1086
  Evgeni Shikavka   2.254 45 441 300 945
10 Yuri Kendysh   0.692 0 495 900 1068
10 Sergey Golovanov 4.940 2 204 400 18
10 Pavel Kirilchik   2.118 97 401 100 915
forwards FC
10 Andrey Gorbach   2.333 50 252 200 474
reserve: 14
full-backs D
4 Maksim Savostikov   15.447 0 6 547 300 757
10 Igor Kuzmenok   16.495 0 6 407 700 579
10 Sergey Kondratjev   16.177 0 6 398 000 603
10 Yuri Ostroukh   15.650 0 6 190 400 17
10 Denis Kovalevski   8.321 0 4 672 200 428
100 Igor Shitov   17.072 0 6 617 800 999
28 Valter Kogler   31.100 0 13 070 400 196
half-backs MD
1 Yaroslav Yarotskiy   10.780 0 4 734 000 0
  Pavel Sedko     17.462 82 6 624 800 994
10 Sergey Novik   16.912 86 6 529 000 986
  Vitali Kibuk   17.067 90 6 536 300 1021
forwards FC
111 Dmitry Denisjuk   20.264 474 6 398 100 681
  Dmitri Podstrelov   21.026 516 6 612 100 998
7 Vladislav Mukhamedov     21.792 635 6 705 200 1182
total: 25 / 25 284.628   106 471 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 1.465 8.24
center 4.382 21.231
right flank 3.984 3.737
Power of stuff: 43.041
trainer Angel Comizzo (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.0936 games: 11471
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9736 games: 349798
The number of won private leagues: 1078
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   1 415  
Belarus   334  
England   85 052 657  
Russia   1 347  
Spain   1 462  
Ukraine   1 552  
total   1701 85 058 767 1