


League: not entered
Team: _Reds_
Days in game: 4181
on the team account: 1 544 126 497 $

Experience of team: 1369.43/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 425 388 700 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
52 Nukri Revishvili 65.535 1238 20 309 500 1195
full-backs D
50 Tengiz Sulakvelidze 65.535 2 24 423 200 1189
50 Givi Chokheli 65.535 556 23 859 600 1195
52 Malkhaz Asatiani 65.535 0 24 732 100 1198
half-backs MD
52 Gocha Jamarauli 65.535 2202 18 373 200 1148
52 Temur Ketsbaia 65.535 2601 15 315 900 1186
52 George Kinkladze 65.535 2003 18 567 800 1193
forwards FC
50 Giorgi Abuashvili 65.535 3259 13 326 300 1163
50 Slava Metreveli   65.535 4221 13 872 400 1194
50 Vladimir Gutsaev   65.535 4133 14 022 900 1197
50 Givi Nodia 65.535 3866 14 511 600 1197
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Antonio Carbajal   59.400 0 22 141 900 802
201 Sander Westerveld   36.610 0 14 685 000 0
full-backs D
201 Steve Nicol   61.890 0 21 747 300 972
201 Ron Yeats   26.855 0 12 480 000 19
201 Nathaniel Clyne   42.900 0 17 080 600 537
201 Glenn Hysen   44.420 0 15 697 500 1040
half-backs MD
201 Wataru Endo   40.105 0 20 187 500 0
201 Steve Heighway   56.255 1950 14 344 700 784
1 Guram Aburjania   14.725 0 6 862 500 0
200 Sammy Lee   61.065 249 21 031 100 1105
201 Gary Gillespie   11.125 0 5 062 500 0
201 Ray Houghton   65.535 2144 18 487 900 920
forwards FC
201 Milan Baros   64.870 2253 17 074 500 973
201 John Toshack   62.790 2049 17 191 200 950
total: 25 / 25 1369.43   425 388 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 106.493 134.892
center 184.589 184.589
right flank 191.688 134.892
Power of stuff: 937.145
trainer Tony Mowbray (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 4.1273 games: 3485
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.3429 games: 30930
The number of won private leagues: 34

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belgium   1 902 756  
Ecuador   2 112 984  
total   82 4 015 740 1