


League: Premier
Team: Old_Liverpool
Days in game: 3028
on the team account: 15 028 595 684 $

Experience of team: 790.425/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 309 822 600 $
Stadium: Anfield 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
201 Jerzy Dudek 13.875 0 5 317 800 828
full-backs D
200 Alec Lindsay 14.565 0 5 150 500 996
200 Larry Lloyd 13.195 0 5 102 800 656
200 Paul Ince   10.885 0 4 671 800 290
209 Jack Charlton 13.700 0 5 200 300 866
half-backs MD
200 Daniel Murphy 16.965 140 5 702 100 970
200 Ray Kennedy 16.260 140 5 348 100 970
200 Steve McManaman 36.655 1878 6 101 100 1050
forwards FC
  Adam Lallana 40.880 916 14 477 800 923
200 Robbie Fowler 10.100 8 4 512 600 23
200 Peter Crouch 22.095 340 8 258 600 533
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
200 David James   38.605 0 16 936 500 0
full-backs D
200 Phil Thompson   37.825 0 16 176 000 0
200 Jamie Carragher   38.545 0 16 873 500 0
200 Emlyn Hughes   37.195 0 16 558 500 0
200 John Scales   38.275 0 16 639 500 0
200 Chris Lawler   38.710 0 17 007 000 0
half-backs MD
200 Jamie Redknapp   38.440 0 16 804 500 0
200 Rickie Lambert   35.080 0 13 425 000 0
200 Jimmy Case     65.535 0 26 778 000 1
200 Terry McDermott   35.080 0 13 422 000 0
forwards FC
200 Roger Hunt   35.080 0 13 417 500 0
200 Alan ACourt   65.535 2312 21 957 100 760
200 David Fairclough   38.695 0 17 008 500 0
200 Emile Heskey   38.650 0 16 975 500 0
total: 25 / 25 790.425   309 822 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 34.007 37.683
center 95.709 50.737
right flank 18.643 35.142
Power of stuff: 271.924
trainer Geoff Hurst (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.5501 games: 2771
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.5222 games: 78213
The number of won private leagues: 202

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
England   1 036 734  
Mexico   2 200 578  
total   66 3 237 312 1