


League: Premier
Team: _Dinamo_Zagreb
Days in game: 1241
on the team account: 91 248 776 439 $

Experience of team: 614.985/750
Quantity of footballers: 23
Salary expenses for all footballers: 261 069 100 $
Stadium: Maksimir 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Noam Baumann 10.715 0 4 649 000 263
full-backs D
2 Anthony Rouault 14.525 0 5 254 500 988
2 Diyae Jermoumi 15.695 0 6 458 000 822
70 Louis Kolbe 10.045 0 4 517 500 25
half-backs MD
70 Julia Simic 13.970 5 6 573 500 93
2 Dominic Corness 18.760 171 5 759 500 1188
70 Charlie Savage 15.830 122 6 047 500 587
forwards FC
70 Mathieu Choiniere   21.445 655 6 089 600 665
2 Amin Sarr 18.175 286 6 603 000 566
2 Kacper Skora 16.845 457 5 067 200 803
70 Jordi Coca 18.845 626 5 134 800 947
reserve: 12
goalkeepers GK
  Gauthier Gallon   36.670 0 16 129 500 0
full-backs D
102 Mateja Milovanovic   35.005 0 14 572 500 0
102 Gabriele Guarino   25.615 0 10 824 000 0
70 Filipe Cruz   37.090 0 16 408 500 0
half-backs MD
70 Carli Lloyd   47.905 0 23 193 500 0
102 Avery Appiah   37.180 0 16 513 500 0
70 Marco Verratti   40.540 0 20 134 000 0
102 Finn Ole Becker   32.290 0 14 004 000 0
forwards FC
70 Juanda Fuentes   36.910 0 16 249 500 0
70 Denys Antyukh   36.930 1 18 120 000 10
102 Leonardo Cerri   36.745 0 16 219 500 0
102 Ante Crnac   37.255 0 16 546 500 0
total: 23 / 25 614.985   261 069 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 30.595 20.941
center 52.234 54.84
right flank 50.065 18.624
Power of stuff: 227.301
trainer Guido Vincenzi (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.3600 games: 677
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 3.6715 games: 2095
The number of won private leagues: 47

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Croatia   19 147  
Netherlands   2 771  
total   2 21 918 1