


League: Premier
Team: _Dinamo_Tbilisi
Days in game: 1242
on the team account: 327 024 624 591 $

Experience of team: 819.746/1050
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 297 752 700 $
Stadium: Boris Paichadze Dinamo Arena 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Wellington Ramirez 21.775 0 7 191 500 1004
full-backs D
70 Gabriel Marusic 17.855 0 5 441 000 1197
70 Iestyn Hughes 16.815 0 5 338 500 1050
1 Klaus Augenthaler 12.855 0 5 349 500 22
half-backs MD
1 Gerard Gonzalez 21.985 79 8 124 600 576
100 Hans Nunoo Sarpei   65.535 2072 23 002 000 714
  Antonio Juliano 65.535 2603 16 998 700 1131
100 Davy van den Berg 65.535 1271 27 592 000 592
70 Mathias De Wolf 34.131 1423 6 580 100 727
forwards FC
  Franco Causio 65.535 1608 16 274 200 1042
70 Saidou Bah 30.425 1011 6 524 800 1112
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
101 Nico Mantl   37.140 0 16 227 500 18
101 Alejandro Iturbe   17.440 0 6 867 000 0
full-backs D
101 Lucas Piton   37.305 0 16 322 000 18
101 Alexandro Bernabei   37.405 0 16 546 500 0
101 David Affengruber   37.210 0 16 342 500 0
half-backs MD
201 Patrik Berger   29.780 47 11 628 500 262
101 Daniel Gore   37.545 3 16 608 100 21
101 Pedro Vite   36.880 0 15 988 500 0
101 Muhammed Gumuskaya   37.270 4 16 297 800 21
forwards FC
101 Wesley   32.950 9 12 726 300 19
1 Samuel Mbangula   24.370 305 8 472 400 570
1 Santiago Gimenez   25.325 11 10 504 900 22
1 Xavi Moreno   11.145 9 4 803 800 22
total: 24 / 25 819.746   297 752 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 97.973 47.445
center 140.173 118.477
right flank 32.703 38.439
Power of stuff: 475.213
trainer Bruce Grobbelaar (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.9624 games: 760
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 6.9655 games: 496
The number of won private leagues: 14

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Denmark   3 531  
Georgia   44 380  
total   2 47 911 1