


League: Premier
Team: _Croatia98_
Days in game: 5929
on the team account: 527 958 288 $

Experience of team: 256.165/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 79 916 900 $
Stadium: Maksimir Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Stipe Pletikosa 7.565 0 4 592 000 450
full-backs D
  Robert Kovac 7.739 0 4 714 900 737
  Gordon Schildenfeld 2.365 0 116 500 144
  Goran Sablic 1.150 0 173 500 409
  Dario Knezevic 6.365 0 1 536 500 144
  Igor Biscan 1.260 0 151 500 334
  Josip Simunic 4.405 0 224 500 115
half-backs MD
  Danijel Pranjic 9.470 158 4 739 600 694
98 Robert Jarni 9.885 2 4 509 900 34
forwards FC
  Dado Prso 7.241 227 1 671 400 479
  Eduardo da Silva 9.422 230 4 735 400 736
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
98 Drazen Ladic     37.997 45 9 621 300 900
full-backs D
98 Slaven Bilic     2.930 0 263 500 354
98 Igor Tudor     1.610 0 365 500 736
98 Igor Stimac   3.540 0 244 000 250
98 Dario Simic     1.900 0 326 500 608
half-backs MD
98 Aljosa Asanovic   7.290 37 4 635 900 607
98 Mario Stanic   2.145 24 368 300 696
  Jerko Leko   0.650 3 40 100 87
98 Zvonimir Soldo   6.585 43 4 737 600 917
  Marko Babic   0.676 0 288 900 721
  Ognjen Vukojevic     30.890 9 9 541 900 0
forwards FC
  Mladen Petric   19.960 0 7 614 000 0
  Ivica Olic     62.595 2124 10 061 500 1000
98 Davor Suker     10.530 231 4 642 200 392
total: 25 / 25 256.165   79 916 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 18.403 16.543
center 9.816 25.57
right flank 0 9.782
Power of stuff: 80.116
trainer Viktor Chanov (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.4206 games: 5759
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.8465 games: 22630
The number of won private leagues: 0

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Czech   935  
total   0 935 1