


League: Premier
Team: NK_Dinamo_Zagreb
Days in game: 6182
on the team account: 235 854 018 694 $

Experience of team: 135.803/200
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 49 048 500 $
Stadium: Maksimir Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
18 Danijel Subasic   7.449 0 4 780 100 862
full-backs D
18 Ivan Strinic 9.860 0 4 503 000 20
1 Dino Peric 3.820 0 484 600 934
18 Domagoj Vida 2.726 0 506 800 1029
18 Sime Vrsaljko   7.970 0 4 583 500 385
18 Vedran Corluka 4.515 0 208 500 67
half-backs MD
18 Mateo Kovacic 1.209 24 193 900 466
18 Marko Pjaca 4.700 8 1 583 100 439
18 Marcelo Brozovic 1.309 10 191 100 443
forwards FC
18 Ante Rebic 1.960 35 136 500 248
1 Ante Vukusic 2.900 0 81 000 12
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Simon Sluga   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
18 Lovre Kalinic   2.950 0 88 000 22
full-backs D
1 Josip Radosevic   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
18 Josip Pivaric   4.980 0 204 000 12
1 Mario Maloca   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
22 Borna Barisic   14.380 0 7 615 500 750
  Darijo Srna   9.567 0 4 730 000 531
half-backs MD
1 Fran Tudor   1.000 0 20 000 0
1 Ante Coric   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
22 Nikola Vlasic     2.860 23 508 100 801
1 Toni Fruk   2.745 1 97 700 69
  Sammir   3.000 0 80 000 0
forwards FC
18 Mario Mandzukic   1.003 81 226 600 623
22 Ante Budimir     4.900 40 226 500 93
total: 25 / 25 135.803   49 048 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 1.527 12.858
center 4.468 16.693
right flank 5.013 20.599
Power of stuff: 61.161
trainer Enzo Bearzot (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.9399 games: 7190
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.8234 games: 411833
The number of won private leagues: 232

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Croatia   500 009 664  
total   10000 500 009 664 1