


League: Premier
Team: Widzew_Lodz
Days in game: 5429
last login 9 days ago
on the team account: -74 061 328 $

Experience of team: 957.39/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 543 490 700 $
Stadium: Stadion Widzewa 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
10 Adam Makuchowski 9.565 0 4 937 200 1198
full-backs D
10 Yigit Gokoglan 4.035 0 363 000 636
10 Emrecan Coskun   2.125 0 394 200 951
half-backs MD
10 Veysel Sari   5.095 81 563 600 953
10 Blerim Dzemaili 4.375 18 286 100 298
10 Erman Kilic   4.315 13 250 100 209
10 Bilal Kisa 8.835 27 2 647 600 936
forwards FC
10 Edward Anjakme 4.725 56 256 700 206
10 Sercan Yildirim   4.780 35 228 500 115
10 Mehmet Batdal 7.445 286 687 700 1021
10 Adrian Mutu   4.650 29 237 300 146
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
111 Aly Yirango   56.085 0 27 057 300 137
111 Eray Iscan   65.535 0 44 930 800 17
111 Aykut Ercetin   54.940 0 24 568 000 22
full-backs D
111 Florin Sandu     65.535 1293 38 237 100 1198
111 Lucian Cazan   65.535 1201 24 953 400 1198
111 Cosmin Frasinescu     65.535 1296 54 049 600 1198
half-backs MD
111 Alexandru Muntean     65.535 2420 51 796 000 1198
111 Gabriel Muresan   65.535 2482 24 889 100 1198
111 Emrah Bassan   65.535 0 6 027 000 0
forwards FC
111 Dan Mihai Roman   65.535 3054 49 584 300 1198
111 Adrian Markus   65.535 3027 52 811 100 1198
111 Colin Kazim-Richards   65.535 3022 31 213 200 1198
111 Costin Gheorghe   65.535 2947 51 367 600 1197
111 Bogdan Stancu   65.535 3349 51 154 200 1198
total: 25 / 25 957.39   543 490 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 16.591 8.33
center 13.54 15.546
right flank 10.713 11.266
Power of stuff: 75.988
trainer Christian Hock (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.1012 games: 6216
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3545 games: 346899
The number of won private leagues: 202

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Poland   55 002 638  
Ukraine   1 051  
total   1100 55 003 689 1