


League: Premier
Team: Galatasaray_Sk
Days in game: 5403
last login 9 days ago
on the team account: 151 440 467 406 $

Experience of team: 593.35/750
Quantity of footballers: 21
Salary expenses for all footballers: 245 478 500 $
Stadium: Türk Telekom Arena 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
12 Anton Sytnykov 10.190 0 4 629 500 348
full-backs D
10 Ryan Donk 11.605 0 3 484 000 172
10 Cala 10.040 0 2 760 200 960
10 Sefa Ozdemir 10.620 0 2 850 700 958
half-backs MD
10 Yasin Oztekin 5.205 23 319 100 290
10 Tarik Camdal   7.390 16 1 313 200 439
10 Olcan Adin   14.525 81 4 643 700 406
forwards FC
10 Frederic Kanoute 12.545 315 2 484 000 581
10 Berk Ismail Unsal 17.875 345 4 725 100 1080
10 Endogan Adili 5.345 39 277 300 151
10 Eren Derdiyok 5.085 22 246 400 114
reserve: 10
goalkeepers GK
111 Ismail Cipe   62.920 0 30 377 000 5
full-backs D
10 Alessandro Lucarelli   32.050 0 13 616 000 253
10 Mariano   52.805 0 22 222 900 1066
10 Serdar Aziz   29.175 0 11 763 500 579
111 Maicon Pereira Roque   58.500 0 28 192 500 14
222 Davide Zoboli   39.205 0 18 098 400 67
111 Mariano Ferreira Filho   53.665 0 24 266 500 14
half-backs MD
10 Hamit Altintop   24.070 75 9 070 700 978
111 Selcuk Inan   65.535 7 31 756 600 31
111 Umut Guendogan   65.000 9 28 381 200 22
total: 21 / 25 593.35   245 478 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 29.846 18.221
center 33.699 23.056
right flank 9.55 27.613
Power of stuff: 141.988
trainer Don Welsh (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.6218 games: 5901
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2678 games: 163448
The number of won private leagues: 76

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Lithuania   50 000 009  
Turkey   175 017 356  
total   4500 225 017 365 2