


League: Premier
Team: Torino__FC
Days in game: 3247
on the team account: 13 335 565 018 $

Experience of team: 532.337/750
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 240 077 400 $
Stadium: Torino 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
78 Alessandro Zanellati 30.440 0 14 569 300 190
full-backs D
78 Nicolo Bedino 18.670 0 7 974 500 1061
15 Ludwig Augustinsson 13.575 0 5 923 000 201
3 Galvao 22.305 0 10 560 800 233
33 Jonas Jacobsen 19.940 0 9 350 000 276
half-backs MD
25 Valerio Verre 16.680 35 7 314 200 378
78 Antonio D Alena 14.710 58 6 189 300 542
77 Jacopo Segre   18.640 291 6 712 000 958
forwards FC
12 Maximilian Moller 16.520 314 5 303 700 413
25 Deji Sotona   24.570 573 8 359 200 980
25 Dmitriy Kirichenko 22.472 211 9 654 500 362
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
21 Jim Platt   44.385 0 20 774 000 102
77 Samir Ujkani   16.745 0 7 257 700 752
full-backs D
4 Terry Butcher   28.535 0 13 783 300 63
20 Sergi Gomez   16.315 0 7 636 500 0
22 Massimo Oddo   17.885 0 8 427 500 7
half-backs MD
11 Miguel De Las Cuevas   24.075 3 11 599 100 116
88 Steve Coppell   21.045 0 10 030 100 14
22 Doriva   26.620 3 12 784 700 114
222 Mirko Valdifiori   18.910 0 8 950 500 0
19 Aleksandr Samedov   25.250 12 12 035 900 66
forwards FC
10 Rudi Voeller   35.160 59 16 856 700 117
11 Gert Verheyen   22.215 2 10 224 900 7
14 Ettore Gliozzi   16.675 0 7 806 000 0
total: 24 / 25 532.337   240 077 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 38.774 57.497
center 37.63 42.227
right flank 42.783 65.164
Power of stuff: 284.077
trainer Giampiero Ventura (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.8202 games: 4602
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 3.5371 games: 853
The number of won private leagues: 7

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   104  
Armenia   101  
Australia   44  
Belarus   50  
Belgium   226  
Bulgaria   682  
Croatia   49  
Czech   71  
Denmark   49  
Egypt   3  
England   13  
Estonia   212  
France   192  
Greece   33  
Ireland   53  
Israel   1  
Italy   189 925  
Moldova   42  
Netherlands   108  
Portugal   434  
Russia   274  
South Africa   35  
Spain   58  
Sweden   117  
USA   7  
Ukraine   617  
total   4 193 500 1