


League: Premier
Team: Celta
Days in game: 3325
on the team account: 2 795 083 620 $

Experience of team: 551.481/750
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 244 869 300 $
Stadium: Vigo 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
77 Sergio Alvarez   23.665 0 11 203 000 264
full-backs D
111 Hugo Mallo 17.580 0 7 187 100 901
22 Johan Mjallby   21.225 0 9 873 900 863
77 Facundo Roncaglia 25.105 0 11 793 000 266
77 Nestor Araujo 20.375 0 8 974 200 706
half-backs MD
8 Morgan Schneiderlin 24.140 27 11 235 600 421
21 Augusto Solari 31.035 19 14 936 700 182
28 Pascal Sattelberger 19.555 275 6 933 100 804
forwards FC
31 Alejandro Carbonell 29.535 895 8 088 700 960
13 Daniel Pacheco 25.570 381 9 776 300 584
10 Philipp Hanke 16.751 189 6 263 900 209
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
111 Estanislao Marcellan   16.135 0 7 561 500 0
full-backs D
99 Christopher Coleman   20.665 0 9 796 000 11
20 Kevin Vazquez Comesana   17.560 0 8 271 000 0
111 Brandon Bye     14.435 0 6 645 800 70
half-backs MD
12 Alexei Smertin   24.000 2 10 148 800 19
111 Borja Fernandez Fernandez   28.975 2 13 931 800 71
77 Rene Verheyen   21.025 0 9 999 000 0
111 Vebjorn Hoff   23.695 0 11 296 500 0
8 James Holland   27.930 5 13 438 900 26
25 Juan Quintero   19.375 0 9 159 000 0
forwards FC
49 Philipp Hofmann   24.520 2 11 692 400 7
111 Sene   24.435 109 11 019 800 183
111 Dejan Sorgic   17.835 1 7 997 700 1
111 Marco Hoxha   16.360 3 7 645 600 5
total: 25 / 25 551.481   244 869 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 41.948 70.71
center 55.342 43.951
right flank 48.932 70.008
Power of stuff: 330.893
trainer Jose Augusto Torres (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.2304 games: 4439
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.8852 games: 1027
The number of won private leagues: 15

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   179  
Austria   258  
Belgium   197  
Croatia   193  
Czech   31  
Denmark   40  
England   149  
Estonia   55  
France   33  
Greece   281  
Ireland   290  
Italy   239  
Kazakhstan   38  
Lithuania   148  
Moldova   45  
Netherlands   215  
Poland   306  
Portugal   560  
Russia   815  
Slovenia   543  
Spain   1 542 206  
Sweden   178  
Switzerland   210  
Ukraine   392  
total   36 1 547 601 1