


League: not entered
Team: SiGmA
Days in game: 3068
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 22 360 966 106 $

Experience of team: 1362.046/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 576 796 900 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Jordan Pickford 65.530 1 28 318 400 463
1 Dominik Takac 65.250 0 31 495 000 20
full-backs D
23 Paul Jaeckel 65.520 0 31 482 800 3
half-backs MD
10 Ellyes Skhiri   65.530 96 26 352 900 600
10 Kalidou Koulibaly 65.530 95 28 112 500 646
7 Nikolay Kipiani 65.520 0 31 184 500 0
10 Abdoulaye Doucoure 65.530 214 27 102 000 525
forwards FC
  Giuseppe Ambrosino 10.000 0 4 500 000 0
9 Taiwo Awoniyi 65.520 2779 22 296 400 1193
10 Oussama Idrissi 65.520 2088 16 605 400 1044
  Darian Males   65.520 2400 19 094 800 869
reserve: 14
full-backs D
4 Aritz Elustondo   38.780 0 16 505 000 619
  Wesley Franca   57.310 0 27 996 000 0
10 Diego Llorente   39.835 0 18 140 600 412
30 Ricard Sanchez   52.360 0 25 599 000 0
  Tomas Galvez   61.225 0 29 664 500 59
14 Juan Bernat   36.968 0 15 741 900 590
half-backs MD
  Othman Boussaid   53.010 0 25 929 100 4
  Aidan Morris   45.400 0 22 080 000 0
1 Matteo Pessina   58.860 0 28 221 000 2
16 Jakub Kadak   64.430 0 31 273 900 30
forwards FC
1 Erik Botheim   35.820 38 17 141 400 47
1 Kevin Santos     58.285 1964 17 676 500 758
  Jayden Addai   30.610 0 14 667 000 0
  Enoch Owusu   64.183 2073 19 616 300 800
total: 25 / 25 1362.046   576 796 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 146.687 96.507
center 159.003 159.003
right flank 127.77 70.99
Power of stuff: 759.964
trainer Dmitri Cheryshev (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.6616 games: 2849
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.5334 games: 27517
The number of won private leagues: 134

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Czech   1 651 500  
Estonia   98 847 658  
total   2020 100 499 158 1