


League: Premier
Team: RB_Leipzig
Days in game: 3121
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 73 078 075 725 $

Experience of team: 1523.785/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 675 653 800 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
57 Luis Maximiano   65.535 0 31 258 800 138
full-backs D
10 Nicolas Cozza 65.535 0 28 311 700 1028
10 Ola Aina   65.535 2 27 803 900 1017
10 Dennis Cirkin 65.535 0 27 054 500 1052
half-backs MD
  Fraser Hornby 65.530 154 29 168 900 815
6 Kristijan Jakic 65.530 250 30 483 400 916
25 Ludovic Ajorque   65.530 365 30 581 600 877
forwards FC
9 Bruno Petkovic 65.530 627 31 006 300 571
22 Zuriko Davitashvili 65.535 2939 16 541 300 1085
  Javi Puado Diaz 65.535 1481 29 286 000 984
28 Nicolo Cambiaghi 65.535 2391 20 901 500 959
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Federico Magro   18.545 0 8 713 500 2
99 Alvaro Fernandez Llorente   44.450 0 17 844 400 971
full-backs D
  Giannis Michailidis   60.930 0 28 287 900 379
3 Alessandro Buongiorno   65.535 0 28 867 600 386
33 Francesco Acerbi   48.090 2 22 366 500 256
21 Maksim Nenakhov     57.795 0 24 473 000 932
4 Gerardo Arteaga   52.735 8 25 185 100 70
half-backs MD
10 Rasmus Kristensen   61.630 225 26 459 000 725
255 Matthew Smith   65.535 149 29 422 200 812
2 Andre Horta   65.535 88 33 153 400 918
22 Youssef Maleh   65.535 23 33 475 700 27
forwards FC
6 Fernando Nino   65.535 5 31 560 800 12
10 David Kalokoh   65.535 1302 32 068 700 789
  Wesley Gassova   65.535 147 31 378 100 180
total: 25 / 25 1523.785   675 653 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 127.789 156.187
center 141.981 141.989
right flank 212.984 156.187
Power of stuff: 937.121
trainer Oleg Luzhny (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.4290 games: 4036
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.7478 games: 25693
The number of won private leagues: 131

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Austria   45 545 929  
USA   352 508 573  
total   7990 398 054 502 1