


League: Premier
Team: Sao_Paolo
Days in game: 5112
on the team account: 70 857 340 985 $

Experience of team: 325.794/500
Quantity of footballers: 26
Salary expenses for all footballers: 107 028 700 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Jorg Butt 9.755 0 4 537 000 110
full-backs D
3 Nicolas Vouilloz 6.424 0 1 603 600 312
51 Isaac Smith 6.424 0 1 608 100 312
27 Javier Bonar 6.434 0 1 608 100 312
half-backs MD
15 Pavle Vagic 6.529 11 1 609 800 312
13 Marko Brkljaca 6.589 17 1 615 500 312
64 Bailey Rice 6.489 0 1 604 100 289
10 Romain Faivre 6.743 65 1 659 900 423
forwards FC
20 Matheus Goncalves 8.083 173 1 646 500 312
10 Octavian Popescu   7.393 105 1 628 400 312
11 Jon Karrikaburu 5.160 53 293 600 186
reserve: 15
goalkeepers GK
1 Rui Patricio   4.690 0 740 000 767
full-backs D
18 Michael Tarnat   5.000 0 211 000 25
6 Alejandro Frances   3.000 0 80 000 0
75 Habeeb Ogunneye   4.819 0 406 600 259
half-backs MD
6 Pau Prim   22.060 0 8 118 000 0
21 Niko Rak   22.060 0 8 118 000 0
21 Zidan Sertdemir   22.060 0 8 118 000 0
28 Lasso Coulibaly   22.060 0 8 118 000 0
10 Alexis Antunes   22.060 0 8 118 000 0
forwards FC
43 Sindre Walle Egeli   22.045 0 8 113 500 0
11 Karl-Heinz Riedle   16.702 1 6 508 500 3
9 Albert Tjaland   22.045 0 8 113 500 0
20 Antonio Marin   22.060 0 8 118 000 0
23 Noah Pesch   22.060 0 8 118 000 0
15 Odin Thiago Holm   17.050 0 6 615 000 0
total: 26 / 25 325.794   107 028 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 20.6 16.873
center 19.162 21.123
right flank 4.243 16.821
Power of stuff: 98.824
trainer Morten Olsen (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.0870 games: 1096
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.8557 games: 802
The number of won private leagues: 1

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Brazil   431  
Ghana   4 847  
total   1 5 278 1