


League: Premier
Team: FC_Genk
Days in game: 5110
on the team account: 17 975 072 299 $

Experience of team: 271.545/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 92 903 800 $
Stadium: 100 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
6 Eric Martel 3.380 0 245 000 24
30 Gaston Avila 4.142 0 1 593 300 504
15 Pablo Maffeo 4.827 0 1 567 300 376
99 Gianluca Frabotta 4.872 0 1 576 300 376
half-backs MD
32 Abdoulaye Kamara 3.185 0 143 000 1
15 Tyler Morton 4.957 10 1 574 600 379
22 Alan Varela 4.837 0 1 569 800 376
8 Andreas Schjelderup 4.387 29 1 596 600 502
forwards FC
9 Iker Bravo 5.496 145 1 622 400 504
36 Ansgar Knauff 2.829 79 306 500 502
30 Zalan Vancsa 1.122 0 148 300 350
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
13 Filip Jorgensen   22.340 0 8 198 000 3
55 Xavier Dziekonski   22.300 0 8 190 000 0
91 Senne Lammens   22.300 0 8 190 000 0
full-backs D
11 Nathan Bitumazala   22.325 0 8 193 500 3
27 Malo Gusto   22.105 0 8 136 000 0
3 Turan Manafov   11.915 0 5 070 500 3
half-backs MD
83 Rafael Luis   22.260 0 8 179 300 3
5 Dimo Krastev   5.017 10 1 583 600 378
22 Mika Baur   22.335 0 8 197 300 3
23 Cristian Volpato   22.330 1 8 193 200 3
24 Luca Oyen   5.095 0 231 500 1
forwards FC
14 Ricardo Pepi   2.090 0 107 500 130
10 Jens Petter Hauge   22.330 3 8 189 500 3
3 David Mella   2.769 73 300 800 501
total: 25 / 25 271.545   92 903 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 4.68 9.994
center 13.042 11.916
right flank 5.747 8.784
Power of stuff: 54.164
trainer Gryem Dzhordzh (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.8147 games: 1941
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.6990 games: 4291
The number of won private leagues: 11

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belgium   1 850  
Russia   739  
total   0 2 589 1