


League: Premier
Team: Niva_Mironovka
Days in game: 5922
last login 8 days ago
on the team account: 89 336 897 710 $

Experience of team: 904.808/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 256 779 500 $
Stadium: Mironovka_Stadio 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Cristian Manyur 0.815 0 386 000 860
full-backs D
10 Sergiy Chobotenko 7.525 0 4 586 500 449
55 Cosmin Matei   1.780 0 110 000 197
5 Ruben Baraja 6.560 0 4 657 500 721
5 Henrik Dettmann 6.455 0 4 639 500 684
half-backs MD
  Valentin Lazar 2.098 24 376 700 834
1 Danny Rose 8.720 2 4 524 400 196
  Domenico Franco 6.370 31 4 643 200 728
20 Adrian Cristea   6.820 56 4 638 200 684
forwards FC
100 Denis Law 2.240 150 374 000 761
101 Kamil Bilinski   2.075 164 387 300 812
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
3 George Curca     65.535 0 21 950 900 1047
full-backs D
3 Ivan Stevanovic   65.535 125 20 843 800 1159
3 Adrian Scarlatache   65.535 0 22 264 100 1072
3 Raul Crisan   65.535 326 22 035 300 551
half-backs MD
8 Daniel De Ridder   65.535 1279 18 566 100 1042
17 Joe Ledley   65.535 1253 18 095 500 1009
77 Abou Diaby   1.410 36 367 200 782
5 Jean Francois Christophe   65.535 769 18 856 100 1157
1 Marcelinho   65.535 1200 19 005 200 1082
  Slavoljub Srnic   65.535 2355 13 598 600 853
forwards FC
3 Andrei Cristea   65.535 2612 12 713 500 1089
6 Yazalde   65.520 3039 12 641 200 1079
12 Davide Succi   65.535 2831 13 058 800 1118
3 Sabrin Sburlea   65.535 2991 13 459 900 1067
total: 25 / 25 904.808   256 779 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 4.14 17.775
center 9.436 11.126
right flank 8.978 15.162
Power of stuff: 66.62
trainer Steve Bruce (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.0123 games: 7637
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 4.8492 games: 6159
The number of won private leagues: 0

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Netherlands   168 484 407  
total   3400 168 484 407 1