


League: Premier
Team: FC_Dinamo_Bucuresti
Days in game: 5693
last login 8 days ago
on the team account: 4 341 936 338 $

Experience of team: 413.685/500
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 144 673 000 $
Stadium: Dinamo 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Cristian Balgradean   5.421 0 1 667 600 548
full-backs D
2 Srdjan Luchin 3.910 0 292 000 310
44 Peter Ankersen   3.700 0 399 700 578
99 Alexandru Tudose 5.661 0 1 636 600 434
2 Martin Laursen 6.315 0 1 564 500 209
half-backs MD
5 Alexandru Curtean 3.980 25 320 300 392
  Laurentiu Rus 8.709 51 4 693 600 605
25 Iulian Rosu   2.866 43 457 800 862
20 Havi Fuego 3.284 0 342 400 507
forwards FC
5 Nicklas Bendtner 6.625 4 1 509 800 61
111 Mark Viduka 7.704 413 1 885 800 1031
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
  Chris Kirkland     5.756 0 1 687 400 551
31 Peter Schmeichel     65.535 0 24 226 500 1
full-backs D
99 Dragos Grigore   4.920 0 1 760 200 806
  Cazacu Razvan   1.032 0 264 700 704
222 Collins Fai   0.966 0 308 900 979
half-backs MD
  Raphael Stanescu   19.435 0 7 330 500 0
  Christian Oxlade-Chamberlain   12.490 0 5 247 000 0
77 Steliano Filip   48.315 0 17 324 000 1
30 Gheorghe Grozav   51.505 1 18 596 800 1
  Marius Alexe   63.991 0 23 594 500 2
forwards FC
11 Gary Lineker   65.535 57 24 482 800 1
255 Oscar de Marcos   11.095 0 4 828 500 0
19 Federico Santander   4.935 38 251 100 139
total: 24 / 25 413.685   144 673 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 11.442 17.067
center 5.546 15.539
right flank 13.171 11.894
Power of stuff: 74.662
trainer Cornel Talnar (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.5335 games: 5336
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.5084 games: 33080
The number of won private leagues: 0

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Romania   1 443 125  
total   32 1 443 125 1