


League: Premier
Team: Kilimanjaro
Days in game: 937
on the team account: 15 325 859 032 $

Experience of team: 299.607/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 107 834 600 $
Stadium: 5 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
40 Diant Ramaj 4.968 0 1 041 800 1163
full-backs D
22 Alexi Lalas   3.276 0 314 300 584
2 Jenő Buzanszky 2.767 0 119 000 112
half-backs MD
29 Egor Nazarina 6.296 114 1 780 800 897
5 Edmilson 4.916 14 514 000 296
8 Metinho 2.827 6 208 000 310
22 Mattes Hansen 4.911 118 504 900 800
forwards FC
9 William Ralph Dean 4.763 97 279 200 297
45 Nikola Mituljikic 4.958 23 229 600 91
9 Oleg Salenko 3.478 169 319 700 713
7 Alcides Ghiggia 5.011 91 283 700 286
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
20 Denis Franchi   5.018 0 1 105 600 1144
full-backs D
5 Danny Blind   24.220 0 12 037 000 0
6 Luis Fernandez   29.200 0 14 578 500 0
2 Augusto da Costa     1.105 0 49 000 4
half-backs MD
4 Miguel Munoz   32.155 0 16 150 500 0
6 Jose Maria Bakero   24.745 0 8 928 000 0
8 Guillermo Amor   14.095 0 5 728 500 0
24 Kaloyan Kostadinov   22.090 0 8 236 500 0
14 Mathias Emilsen   1.345 0 123 500 0
5 Obdulio Varela   23.170 0 8 455 500 0
forwards FC
9 Angelo Domenghini   24.535 0 8 860 500 0
9 Pietro Anastasi   14.095 0 5 728 500 0
9 Vitaliy Starukhin   21.418 345 6 484 500 1020
17 Bernard Lacombe   14.245 0 5 773 500 0
total: 25 / 25 299.607   107 834 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 12.632 5.548
center 15.927 13.689
right flank 8.491 6.327
Power of stuff: 62.617
trainer Raymond Goethals (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.5522 games: 597
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9249 games: 5789
The number of won private leagues: 82
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Egypt   3 953  
total   1 3 953 1