


League: Premier
Team: Aconcagua
Days in game: 1245
on the team account: 53 721 260 918 $

Experience of team: 457.784/500
Quantity of footballers: 26
Salary expenses for all footballers: 184 014 600 $
Stadium: none 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Alex Stepney 2.906 0 97 800 54
full-backs D
14 Geoffrey Kondogbia 4.044 0 672 900 1103
14 Rashad Sadixov 11.716 0 5 030 300 14
6 Victor Rodriguez 6.686 0 1 651 300 420
half-backs MD
20 Magnus Riisnaes   4.506 24 292 300 313
5 Luis Monti 13.376 5 5 517 300 14
10 Mario Esteves Coluna 5.020 33 359 200 422
8 Ivan Yaremchuk 5.016 30 360 300 424
8 Vadym Yevtushenko 11.686 5 5 266 800 15
forwards FC
7 Finidi George   14.564 422 4 957 800 530
11 Mahir Madatov 11.753 10 5 018 700 14
reserve: 15
goalkeepers GK
1 Volodymyr Maslachenko   14.095 0 5 728 500 0
full-backs D
4 Oleksandr Holovko   24.610 0 8 892 000 0
3 Alan Kennedy   14.065 0 5 724 000 0
3 Frank de Boer   24.570 0 8 886 200 1
4 Samuel Osei Kuffour   14.245 0 5 773 500 0
5 Vladyslav Vashchuk   38.370 0 19 377 200 0
11 Zoltan Chipo   32.215 0 14 680 500 0
half-backs MD
14 Andrey Gusin   24.610 0 8 892 000 0
8 Pavel Yakovenko   24.730 0 8 919 000 0
11 Paco Gento   36.466 0 17 064 000 0
forwards FC
9 Jan Koller   27.580 0 13 676 000 0
10 Viktor Leonenko   24.745 0 8 923 500 0
11 Raimundo Orsi   27.415 0 13 606 000 0
11 Valery Lobanovsky   24.700 0 8 919 000 0
9 Carsten Jancker   14.095 0 5 728 500 0
total: 26 / 25 457.784   184 014 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 22.885 17.557
center 15.938 16.176
right flank 23.66 21.216
Power of stuff: 117.434
trainer Nereo Rocco (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.7462 games: 832
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1656 games: 6585
The number of won private leagues: 68

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Chile   7 288  
total   1 7 288 1