


League: not entered
Team: Juve_FC
Days in game: 4586
last login 16 days ago
on the team account: 176 735 253 832 $

Experience of team: 428.457/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 204 896 800 $
Stadium: Juventus Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
222 Salvatore Sirigu   7.484 0 4 740 400 859
full-backs D
222 Ruben Duarte 4.479 0 1 744 900 859
222 Ricardo Rodriguez 7.484 0 4 740 400 859
half-backs MD
222 Younes Belhanda 8.400 40 4 845 100 665
222 Stefano Sturaro 7.906 71 4 738 100 859
222 Alex Teixeira 7.582 39 4 727 400 859
222 Albin Ekdal   4.234 0 1 720 000 859
222 Alan Patrick Lourenco 4.496 27 1 729 800 859
222 Olivier Thill   8.493 130 4 745 300 859
forwards FC
222 Felipe Caicedo 9.145 318 2 170 700 597
reserve: 15
goalkeepers GK
77 James Delianov   26.215 0 12 472 500 0
full-backs D
77 C Brown   26.275 0 12 505 500 0
77 Reece Caira   25.300 0 11 910 000 0
77 Nicholas Olsen   25.300 0 11 908 500 0
222 Konstantinos Manolas   7.914 0 4 955 400 848
77 Brad McDonald   26.335 0 12 538 500 0
half-backs MD
222 Marlos   18.975 0 7 943 000 0
77 Aaron Mooy   26.395 0 12 576 000 0
77 Ben Halloran   26.350 0 12 543 000 0
222 Cedric Brunner   19.230 0 8 060 000 0
77 Hagi Gligor   26.215 0 12 469 500 0
77 Awer Mabil   26.350 0 12 543 000 0
forwards FC
77 Peter Skapetis   25.300 0 11 905 500 0
77 Daniel Severino   26.215 0 12 469 500 0
222 Artem Milevsky   26.385 294 12 194 800 456
total: 25 / 25 428.457   204 896 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 6.726 19.698
center 13.915 18.223
right flank 17.348 11.614
Power of stuff: 87.526
trainer Francois Brisson (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.0132 games: 4939
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1696 games: 233804
The number of won private leagues: 525

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   519  
Armenia   217  
Australia   1 019 463 925  
Austria   703  
Azerbaijan   476  
Belarus   837  
Belgium   741  
Brazil   346  
Bulgaria   0  
Cameroon   665  
Chile   160  
Colombia   383  
Croatia   1 614  
Cyprus   227  
Czech   410  
Denmark   134 996 541  
Ecuador   335  
Egypt   667  
England   1 506  
Estonia   429  
Finland   484  
France   1 183  
Georgia   621  
Germany   1 466  
Ghana   677  
Greece   308  
Ireland   1 524  
Israel   125  
Italy   633  
Japan   1 538  
Kazakhstan   574  
Latvia   100  
Lithuania   110  
Mexico   608  
Moldova   551  
Netherlands   254  
Nigeria   26  
Norway   0  
Paraguay   28  
Peru   849  
Poland   128  
Portugal   718  
Romania   138  
Russia   1 082  
Scotland   1 271  
Serbia   0  
Slovakia   239  
Slovenia   411  
South Africa   1 899  
Spain   889  
Sweden   504  
Switzerland   888  
Turkey   135  
USA   683  
Ukraine   613  
Uruguay   75  
Venezuela   56  
Wales   593  
total   23255 1 154 492 682 57