


League: not entered
Team: Bianconeri
Days in game: 4586
last login 16 days ago
on the team account: -657 642 717 $

Experience of team: 1583.612/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 598 421 300 $
Stadium: Juventus Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
22 John Hall 53.615 677 19 272 700 909
full-backs D
22 Erik Yakhimovich 49.345 777 17 948 000 819
11 Anthony Reveillere   65.510 0 32 796 500 763
half-backs MD
22 Renato Zaccarelli 56.198 2231 14 048 500 1052
22 Vyacheslav Gerashchenko 54.770 2122 13 408 500 1057
22 Mathieu Flamini 63.934 1340 23 385 300 892
11 Christian Maldini 65.520 101 33 781 700 605
11 Hans Dorfner 61.050 1885 18 324 700 1027
2 Giuseppe Dossena   65.130 2238 18 431 800 1174
11 Dylan Levitt 65.515 345 35 665 800 697
11 Mario Arques 65.535 285 32 833 000 493
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
111 Mark Birighitti   65.535 3328 14 087 800 1192
full-backs D
111 Jackson Bandiera   65.535 0 34 017 400 1198
111 Rhyan Grant     65.535 1477 27 870 800 1198
half-backs MD
111 Osama Malik   65.535 3153 24 630 000 1195
111 Blamo Quaqua     65.535 2864 26 658 100 1196
111 Benjamin Garuccio   65.535 2845 28 287 900 1190
forwards FC
111 Dylan Tombides   65.535 3468 25 331 800 1190
111 Marko Jesic   65.535 2806 21 392 000 1194
111 Thomas Prinsen   65.535 2622 15 009 000 1198
111 Kerem Bulut   65.535 3498 22 473 000 1197
111 Patrick Antelmi     65.535 2973 29 416 800 1198
111 George Blackwood   65.535 2628 15 216 500 1198
111 Michael Zullo   65.535 3386 26 051 600 1197
111 Tommy Oar   65.535 1865 28 082 100 1198
total: 25 / 25 1583.612   598 421 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 128.544 168.784
center 132.192 127.202
right flank 127.956 147.202
Power of stuff: 831.883
trainer Trevor Morris (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.9317 games: 4810
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2496 games: 28022
The number of won private leagues: 68

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   369 986  
Croatia   14 790  
Israel   6 450  
Paraguay   1 897  
South Africa   9 400  
total   80 402 523 4