


League: Premier
Team: ItsMyLife
Days in game: 6055
on the team account: 32 968 937 675 $

Experience of team: 1090.759/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 412 487 100 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
77 Vladimir Gabulov 65.520 2006 22 971 000 750
full-backs D
201 Antonio Geder 23.387 0 9 668 700 687
half-backs MD
77 Dmitri Kombarov 65.520 2665 21 684 900 901
201 Rafael Carioca 26.095 76 11 329 200 311
77 Andrei Piatnitski 65.520 3031 22 146 500 892
201 Alexey Rebko 22.880 634 5 994 400 1009
201 Jose Manuel Jurado 23.745 65 8 749 800 275
201 Artem Timofeev 23.115 775 5 211 200 607
  Caroline Pettersson 31.596 1414 5 774 300 1184
forwards FC
77 Pavel Yakovlev 65.520 2455 23 717 700 733
77 Denis Davydov 65.520 3400 13 201 800 1086
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
90 Andriy Dikan   52.970 0 23 203 000 0
201 Paulo Gazzaniga   25.224 0 10 576 200 277
full-backs D
90 Kirill Kombarov   53.105 0 23 885 800 0
201 Evgeni Makeev   20.950 0 9 126 600 274
201 Sergey Bryzgalov   21.160 0 8 049 100 275
half-backs MD
201 Radoslav Kovac   24.725 59 10 043 700 310
90 Alexey Ionov   53.020 0 25 003 700 0
90 Fernando   53.025 0 23 554 700 0
forwards FC
90 Welliton Soares de Morais   53.000 1 24 337 900 0
201 Vladimir Obukhov   48.432 2565 7 247 700 965
90 Vyacheslav Krotov   52.980 0 25 125 200 0
80 Maksim Kanunnikov   47.760 37 22 180 800 0
90 Aleksandr Prudnikov   53.005 0 25 049 200 0
90 Dmitri Poloz   52.985 1 24 654 000 0
total: 25 / 25 1090.759   412 487 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 36.728 65.12
center 158.317 152.129
right flank 121.342 74.735
Power of stuff: 608.372
trainer Keith Stevens (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.3158 games: 4116
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3261 games: 59102
The number of won private leagues: 39

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belarus   1 548  
Brazil   714  
Ecuador   540 560 719  
Norway   1 396  
Romania   1 944  
Russia   7 669  
Slovenia   1 920  
Spain   1 568  
Venezuela   1 831  
total   10814 540 579 309 2