


League: Premier
Team: ILikeToMoveIt
Days in game: 6427
on the team account: 29 293 390 695 $

Experience of team: 1377.479/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 369 802 200 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
66 Sergey Ryzhikov 65.535 1219 27 309 900 945
full-backs D
66 Hanna Karlsson 65.535 2147 16 122 200 1153
77 Emelie Loevgren 65.535 2124 21 376 500 819
77 Julia Mohlin 65.535 2542 19 032 100 949
half-backs MD
66 Madeleine Andersson 65.530 2884 16 262 800 1171
66 Marina Pettersson 65.535 2931 15 553 800 1139
66 Josefine Wiksell 65.535 2837 18 638 200 1089
forwards FC
66 Sara Baldebo 65.530 3427 15 762 400 1172
66 Linda Fransson 65.535 3314 15 846 600 1172
66 Lisa Klinga 65.535 3353 15 686 700 1172
66 Amanda Wegerman   65.535 3342 15 771 300 1172
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
103 Lisa Dahlkvist   46.570 1165 13 085 900 1145
full-backs D
243 Elek Szemely   25.190 0 8 046 500 1169
243 Ruslan Kosheliev     30.920 1015 6 005 200 1166
203 Ramiz Mamedov   44.675 0 20 588 400 519
203 Serdar Tasci   45.440 871 14 034 100 1041
243 Kyle Bartley     44.100 1254 10 879 800 1181
half-backs MD
243 Mehdi Mostefa   55.170 2400 11 735 000 1111
77 Valeriy Shmarov   65.535 2722 23 155 500 766
103 Leslie Osborne   35.490 1352 7 094 300 1155
103 Jennifer Schill   49.578 2391 9 151 600 1157
243 Mark Vantol   56.337 2507 11 806 200 1140
77 Denis Boyarintsev   62.754 1216 21 297 200 390
forwards FC
77 Nikita Bazhenov   61.730 3022 8 629 100 952
203 Zlatan Ljubijankic   33.115 1539 6 930 900 525
total: 25 / 25 1377.479   369 802 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 127.792 156.19
center 141.985 141.991
right flank 212.984 156.187
Power of stuff: 937.133
trainer Adriano Lombardi (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.6016 games: 7055
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.4701 games: 94800
The number of won private leagues: 120

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   1 036 861 944  
Australia   1 823  
Brazil   1 559  
Ecuador   348 273 464  
England   1 875  
France   1 867  
Germany   1 926  
Ghana   356 336 201  
Latvia   1 890  
Romania   1 088 729 418  
Russia   1 774  
Spain   150 000 009  
total   72793 2 980 213 750 5