


League: Premier
Team: Helsinki_
Days in game: 2016
on the team account: 240 454 940 $

Experience of team: 739.045/750
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 323 648 100 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
10 Rasmus Sandberg 10.850 0 4 842 500 328
full-backs D
10 Andrea Masiello 10.640 0 4 796 700 227
10 Cristian Riggio 10.640 0 4 796 700 227
10 Federico Mattiello 10.640 0 4 796 700 227
half-backs MD
10 Evgen Cheberko 10.795 13 4 800 800 225
10 Andrea Ghion 10.925 28 4 804 800 223
10 Aleks Matsukatov 11.980 34 5 267 000 162
forwards FC
10 Alex Rolfini 12.065 143 4 781 300 238
10 Alessandro Di Fiore 11.570 92 4 820 600 226
10 Andrea Isufaj 12.060 142 4 686 000 265
10 Tiago Cukur 12.255 127 4 976 600 227
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Max Dieckerhoff   40.660 0 18 250 400 43
full-backs D
  Wesley Costa   44.505 0 16 920 400 38
  Kimberly Ezekwem   30.910 0 14 473 500 0
  Tim Siersleben   27.670 0 12 421 500 0
  Fabian Balbuena   41.085 0 18 506 900 49
  Leo Renan   40.050 0 18 984 400 38
half-backs MD
  Baltazar   59.380 27 25 502 700 27
  Rafael Navarro Leal   57.890 12 24 696 000 39
  Sergiy Kosovskyi   58.335 8 26 051 800 38
  Trygve Aarstad     35.980 0 16 531 500 0
  Sergio Elia   49.030 0 19 687 500 0
  Douglas Bohm   58.400 36 25 238 300 38
forwards FC
  Anatoli Isaev   37.965 41 17 834 500 38
  Sergey Salnikov   32.765 34 15 179 000 38
total: 25 / 25 739.045   323 648 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 38.073 25.634
center 26.066 23.725
right flank 22.694 25.55
Power of stuff: 161.744
trainer Giuseppe Materazzi (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.4522 games: 1707
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.8871 games: 15047
The number of won private leagues: 44

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Brazil   17 800  
total   1 17 800 1