


League: Premier
Team: Berlin_
Days in game: 2016
on the team account: 2 337 568 101 $

Experience of team: 647.26/750
Quantity of footballers: 26
Salary expenses for all footballers: 280 837 600 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
10 Ben Williams 13.805 0 5 061 100 932
full-backs D
10 Clement Michelin 12.500 8 4 791 800 492
10 Miguel Nobrega 8.125 21 626 200 779
10 Anna Kozhnikova 14.220 31 5 020 800 913
10 Herve Matthys   14.075 19 5 025 900 913
half-backs MD
10 Jeppe Pedersen 16.540 58 6 802 300 882
10 Djibrail Dib 16.950 66 6 564 900 986
10 Lucas Zelarrayan   14.435 86 5 021 400 932
forwards FC
10 Allef 20.615 835 5 229 600 685
255 Adam Vendelbo 15.635 210 5 046 200 921
reserve: 16
goalkeepers GK
  Amadeo Carrizo   18.310 0 9 095 000 0
  Jordan Amissah   27.085 0 12 580 500 0
full-backs D
  Pedro Ganchas     29.680 0 13 597 500 0
  Maximilian Meier   31.570 0 14 853 000 0
  Levi Faustino   42.085 0 19 980 000 0
  Aleksey Mutovkin   54.800 50 23 725 500 26
  Denzel Hall   27.560 1 12 904 700 6
10 I Traore   15.000 40 5 369 100 915
half-backs MD
  Ljubomir Fejsa   18.070 0 8 965 000 0
  Jeremy Clement   39.655 0 18 864 000 0
  Jonas Payet   39.595 0 18 846 000 0
forwards FC
  Vsevolod Bobrov   33.925 0 15 352 500 0
  Dmytro Kozban   33.265 5 15 684 600 16
  Oscar Diaz Gonsalez   30.835 0 14 334 000 0
  Rodney Antwi   32.245 0 14 800 500 0
  Fredrik Gulbrandsen   26.680 0 12 695 500 0
total: 26 / 25 647.26   280 837 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 11.017 24.318
center 39.309 40.031
right flank 31.076 39.443
Power of stuff: 185.196
trainer Thomas Doll (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.7314 games: 1479
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2664 games: 50037
The number of won private leagues: 99

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
USA   5 442 823  
total   110 5 442 823 1