


League: Premier
Team: FK_Dukla_Praha
Days in game: 5749
on the team account: 113 581 845 916 $

Experience of team: 1596.801/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 679 041 000 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
255 Sergio Rochet 65.535 0 26 059 900 295
full-backs D
14 Aymeric Laporte   65.535 0 30 826 000 232
  Giuseppe Pezzella   65.535 0 26 330 400 589
  Paulo Diaz 65.535 0 30 578 400 183
half-backs MD
1 Remo Freuler 65.535 34 32 021 500 176
8 Jessy Deminguet 65.535 87 26 731 700 296
10 Jan Bernat 65.535 198 28 044 300 554
forwards FC
  Anastasios Douvikas 65.535 633 26 830 100 624
47 Jachym Sip 65.535 467 29 301 600 458
  Akram Afif 65.535 2170 20 801 100 889
19 Moussa Djenepo 65.535 297 29 768 000 334
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Jeremias Ledesma   65.535 0 27 796 900 915
99 Yassine Bounou   65.535 0 30 314 500 0
full-backs D
  David Heidenreich   65.535 0 26 766 300 456
  Eddie Segura   65.535 0 30 348 900 26
25 Lucas Verissimo da Silva   45.005 0 20 648 000 0
  Aissa Mandi   65.535 0 25 866 200 1020
half-backs MD
1 Amir Hadziahmetovic   65.535 2332 18 474 600 999
  Erick Aguirre   65.535 70 28 107 700 467
7 Michal Sadilek   65.535 1 30 875 000 32
  Pavel Sulc   65.535 0 31 845 000 0
10 Immanuel Pherai   65.535 33 31 691 700 68
forwards FC
  Franculino   65.535 8 33 025 300 11
5 Neal Maupay   65.535 2277 19 435 800 1022
255 Lukas Provod   44.491 767 16 552 100 349
total: 25 / 25 1596.801   679 041 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 212.987 113.593
center 141.991 227.186
right flank 127.792 113.593
Power of stuff: 937.145
trainer Markus Babbel (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 3.0306 games: 6604
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.9155 games: 41329
The number of won private leagues: 8

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Czech   191 902 034  
Finland   23 433 094  
Slovakia   3 921  
Switzerland   3 012  
total   4310 215 342 061 1