


League: not entered
Team: BSC_Young_Boys
Days in game: 5734
on the team account: 233 626 809 220 $

Experience of team: 1521.295/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 684 958 700 $
Stadium: Stade De Suisse 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  David von Ballmoos 65.520 0 29 301 900 256
full-backs D
4 Rafael Toloi 65.520 0 28 894 000 132
255 Ozan Tufan 65.520 0 28 396 400 298
half-backs MD
  Morten Thorsby 65.520 0 33 160 500 0
  Noah Persson 65.520 63 29 125 300 372
255 Masaya Okugawa 65.520 30 28 338 300 146
forwards FC
10 Ivan Morales 65.520 0 32 047 500 0
10 Willian Jose 65.520 1708 22 433 600 863
7 Mehdi Taremi 65.535 1139 22 513 200 955
10 Cedric Jan Itten 65.520 0 31 528 500 0
11 Marko Arnautovic 65.535 675 26 230 400 806
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Gaetan Poussin   57.175 0 26 134 200 35
255 Lucas Perri   49.660 0 23 976 000 0
full-backs D
  Joseph Aidoo   64.845 0 30 035 500 15
  Hector David Martinez   65.535 0 31 565 100 361
  Joel Ordonez   65.535 0 30 491 700 378
15 Patrick Burner   65.535 0 31 047 800 79
  Gideon Mensah     61.620 0 28 133 400 412
half-backs MD
77 Angelo Preciado   51.745 0 25 372 500 0
255 Roberto Maximiliano Pereyra     41.320 0 20 194 500 0
255 Michal Kohut   46.105 33 21 933 100 253
8 Harry Winks     65.135 1 27 273 100 45
11 Levi Garcia   63.715 0 30 681 000 1
forwards FC
  Marquinhos Costa   51.820 18 23 994 900 42
  Fernando Jose Pacheco   50.800 163 22 156 300 300
total: 25 / 25 1521.295   684 958 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 195.923 113.568
center 141.96 184.548
right flank 195.922 70.98
Power of stuff: 902.902
trainer Vladimir Petkovic (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.6460 games: 6863
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.5826 games: 55838
The number of won private leagues: 27

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Denmark   96 540  
Switzerland   97 900 212  
total   2000 97 996 752 1