


League: Premier
Team: FC_V-V-Lobanovskyi
Days in game: 3660
on the team account: 711 182 024 195 $

Experience of team: 1210.296/1500
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 500 417 900 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Maksym Kuchynsky 26.942 0 12 329 700 369
full-backs D
  Cederick Van Daele 65.535 0 32 870 700 89
  Dante 65.535 0 38 448 400 707
  Rayco Gonzalez 65.535 0 33 397 700 400
half-backs MD
  Matias Vecino 65.535 115 25 327 800 576
  Magdalena Eriksson   65.535 2601 22 955 900 902
  Darly N Landu   65.535 709 28 978 900 426
  Gary Medel   65.535 173 33 326 900 381
forwards FC
  Guilherme Dellatorre 34.119 1469 7 024 700 1043
  Darius Golotuyk 33.261 1496 6 863 200 1090
  Adrian Byrdan 24.300 618 7 497 000 590
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
  Yuri Pankiv   41.075 0 19 518 000 93
full-backs D
  Oleh Kuznetsov   42.790 0 20 691 000 0
  Oleksandr Volovyk   42.430 0 20 464 500 22
  Andrey Berezovchuk   42.550 0 20 565 000 0
half-backs MD
  Kyrylo Kovalets   43.325 3 20 876 400 22
  Ivan Kaliuzhnyi   43.185 4 20 855 700 16
  Andriy Batsula   43.030 2 20 743 100 16
  Valeriy Fedorchuk   43.020 7 20 697 600 16
forwards FC
  Jonna Andersson     65.535 2657 24 905 400 865
  Marko Dugandzic   52.980 3104 7 969 800 867
  Rafael Sobis   64.521 2637 16 313 100 881
  Ruslan Fomin   43.065 41 20 494 200 50
  Silvio Gonzalez   65.423 2640 17 303 200 917
total: 24 / 25 1210.296   500 417 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 52.888 75.57
center 172.146 309.857
right flank 64.537 75.57
Power of stuff: 750.572
trainer Volodymyr Bezsonov (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.6689 games: 3428
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.2481 games: 2786
The number of won private leagues: 17

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Armenia   118 719  
England   249  
Kazakhstan   117 824  
Lithuania   745 256  
Nigeria   19 636  
South Africa   620 182  
Ukraine   56 542  
total   68 1 678 408 6