


League: Premier
Team: FC_National_Team
Days in game: 4495
on the team account: 308 308 968 646 $

Experience of team: 975.039/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 388 036 200 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Celton Biai 28.097 0 12 740 600 380
full-backs D
  Alberto Rodriguez Baro 22.467 0 10 256 600 331
  Maksim Grechkin 22.382 0 10 184 600 331
  Oleksiy Zozulya   23.222 0 10 653 600 310
half-backs MD
  Grigoriy Garanyan 29.642 4 13 753 500 301
  Calquinhas 26.495 680 6 651 800 1112
  Vitaliy Havrysh 27.350 32 12 307 600 326
  Jawad Kadhim 39.442 1571 9 217 600 958
  Mario Suarez Mata 25.062 479 7 232 000 866
forwards FC
  Fernando Lorefice 28.762 1570 3 186 000 1162
  Ricardo Jorge Araujo 38.710 233 17 145 400 267
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Orest Budyuk   40.725 0 19 045 100 238
full-backs D
  Niko Datkovic   50.585 0 23 705 900 387
  Marc Wilson   49.090 0 22 590 900 668
  Artem Putivtsev   42.075 7 19 628 300 285
  Siebren Lathouwers   55.830 0 26 298 000 74
half-backs MD
  Andriy Yefremov   42.390 57 19 553 400 279
  Lorenzo van Kleef   45.765 10 22 124 000 74
  Mateus Uribe     48.590 49 22 743 200 252
  Sergey Gotsmanov   41.412 0 19 426 200 237
  Valdas Ivanauskas   42.340 33 19 810 300 192
  Tomas Dabo   48.670 78 22 067 600 350
forwards FC
  Nazariy Rusyn     48.225 369 20 379 800 318
  Stephan Ademolu   53.786 3147 8 663 300 901
  David Caruso   53.925 3153 8 670 900 907
total: 25 / 25 975.039   388 036 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 58.933 35.334
center 77.452 149.959
right flank 47.023 36.412
Power of stuff: 405.116
trainer Semen Altman (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.5763 games: 4387
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.7997 games: 15288
The number of won private leagues: 26

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   241  
Azerbaijan   281 887  
Nigeria   72 938  
Russia   552  
South Africa   140 288  
Turkey   51 116  
Ukraine   260  
total   30 547 282 6