


League: Premier
Team: FC_Illychivets_Mariupol
Days in game: 4775
on the team account: 404 133 720 $

Experience of team: 689.025/750
Quantity of footballers: 23
Salary expenses for all footballers: 311 543 900 $
Stadium: Illichivets Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Omer Hanin 10.060 0 4 515 000 33
full-backs D
55 Panagiotis Retsos 17.105 0 7 576 200 1008
99 Tom McIntyre 9.855 0 4 596 800 242
  Kortney Hause   9.635 0 4 658 600 393
21 Ross McCrorie 4.440 0 375 000 472
half-backs MD
  Julian Draxler 8.525 39 5 004 900 832
  Bruno Jordao 12.180 37 6 435 700 767
66 Enock Mwepu 3.765 5 555 600 984
forwards FC
200 Marco Drawz 5.880 192 411 000 513
200 Robert Moldoveanu 10.635 113 4 626 900 296
  Heriberto Tavares 5.805 146 375 200 406
reserve: 12
goalkeepers GK
  Luis Klatte   38.775 0 15 298 600 472
full-backs D
  Stephen Kingsley   47.665 0 18 556 500 0
  Marcel Costly   49.240 0 22 349 800 8
  S Welsh   45.815 0 19 106 800 660
half-backs MD
20 Lauge Sandgrav   43.105 1 21 094 200 8
  Alberto Grassi   46.110 6 23 019 600 215
21 Mads Enggaard   65.535 0 35 660 300 0
55 Anssi Suhonen   36.610 0 17 739 000 0
19 Wikelman Carmona   30.310 0 13 833 000 0
55 Callum McGregor   62.060 29 29 106 100 87
forwards FC
  Glenn Middleton   62.640 2 30 091 400 4
  Eric Ayiah   63.275 34 26 557 700 24
total: 23 / 25 689.025   311 543 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 15.463 18.681
center 9.275 37.67
right flank 19.366 26.79
Power of stuff: 127.247
trainer Edgar Gess (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.0052 games: 8751
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.7466 games: 146926
The number of won private leagues: 121

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   1 771  
Cyprus   531  
England   3 135  
France   362  
Germany   3 277  
Israel   0  
Italy   9 381  
Netherlands   354  
Russia   50  
Switzerland   47  
Ukraine   27 751 597  
total   601 27 770 505 10