


League: Premier
Team: 1_FSV_Mainz_05
Days in game: 4759
on the team account: 121 205 733 179 $

Experience of team: 490.297/500
Quantity of footballers: 27
Salary expenses for all footballers: 192 044 900 $
Stadium: Coface Arena 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Florian Muller 12.022 0 7 070 700 675
full-backs D
  Donald Love 4.857 0 217 900 60
  Lewis Mayo 2.277 0 318 400 592
55 Nihad Mujakic   4.789 0 4 763 900 1183
half-backs MD
  Markus Soomets 3.187 23 1 659 400 834
  Wallace Duffy 8.534 17 4 677 800 393
111 Stephen Kelly 4.387 0 1 588 500 506
  L Henderson 9.477 2 4 527 700 133
111 Kevin Grimm 9.754 18 4 527 300 109
forwards FC
  Jason Cummings   7.893 174 4 666 400 719
21 Birk Risa 8.942 90 4 578 100 358
reserve: 16
goalkeepers GK
  Florian Kastenmeier   36.370 0 15 235 000 0
51 Sem Westerveld   37.195 0 12 885 200 0
full-backs D
  Maik Nawrocki   11.529 0 5 060 100 806
111 Riad Tahar   34.580 0 12 358 000 0
  Erick Ferigra   26.665 0 9 951 000 0
111 Robbie Deas     11.344 0 5 055 400 909
  Konstantinos Tsimikas   16.285 0 6 615 500 0
half-backs MD
  Kerr McInroy   11.470 0 4 941 000 0
55 Matthew Phillips   18.065 0 6 921 400 2
  Valentino Lazaro   16.285 0 6 615 500 0
  S Mallan   34.405 0 11 821 500 0
21 Allan Campbell   36.910 0 12 768 000 0
forwards FC
  Simone Edera   24.445 0 8 838 000 0
  Scott Wright   38.370 184 12 960 200 190
  Dean Campbell   35.620 0 12 247 500 0
  Thierry Ambrose   24.640 0 9 175 500 0
total: 27 / 25 490.297   192 044 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 17.171 12.236
center 16.514 30.259
right flank 12.331 10.437
Power of stuff: 98.951
trainer Horst Hrubesch (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.8954 games: 8571
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3532 games: 603477
The number of won private leagues: 706
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Germany   9 100 314  
Russia   1 236  
Switzerland   620  
Ukraine   140  
total   203 9 102 310 3