


League: Premier
Team: FC_Donbass
Days in game: 6008
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 28 480 112 757 $

Experience of team: 1191.599/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 521 751 100 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Juan Manuel Perez 65.535 0 26 401 900 763
full-backs D
1 Miroslav Vulicevic 65.535 0 32 495 100 713
1 Dylan Batubinsika 65.535 1 27 683 500 609
1 Gabriel Ivan Mercado 65.535 3 28 793 400 724
half-backs MD
1 Maksym Voytikhovski 65.535 177 31 145 100 626
1 Afonso Caetano 65.530 98 32 807 800 649
1 Gianlucca Fatecha 65.535 105 32 496 100 409
forwards FC
1 Gaetan Lambreghts   65.535 398 28 729 200 489
1 Tomi Petrovic 65.530 464 31 358 900 638
1 Ben Acheampong 65.530 593 46 564 100 595
1 Artem Korolchuk   65.535 644 31 725 900 667
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Leonardo Diaz   59.710 0 23 937 400 23
10 Alvaro Rodriguez Calzado   29.385 0 10 913 900 713
full-backs D
10 Guzman Corujo   23.425 0 9 356 200 405
10 Leilton   26.634 0 11 878 600 411
10 Egor Sorokin   28.245 0 10 454 600 728
half-backs MD
10 Marco Kadlec   24.660 35 9 570 400 390
10 Lucas Ferraz Vila   48.144 1289 12 247 600 1170
10 Joscha Wosz   17.205 32 7 542 000 84
forwards FC
  Samuel Silva   54.205 63 21 602 100 16
10 Hugo Abreu Nunes   33.885 1129 9 702 000 331
  Florian Kruger   22.075 10 10 156 000 8
10 Tim Skarke   47.051 1485 11 550 400 1090
  Duvan Zapata   25.495 0 12 106 000 2
10 Loren Moron   30.610 273 10 532 900 596
total: 25 / 25 1191.599   521 751 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 212.978 156.187
center 56.796 141.991
right flank 212.981 156.19
Power of stuff: 937.127
trainer Ratomir Duykovich (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.7173 games: 5716
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2599 games: 82300
The number of won private leagues: 226

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Colombia   1 863  
Croatia   769  
Cyprus   1 950  
Estonia   1 539  
Finland   91 479  
Israel   1 865  
Japan   106 964 679  
Paraguay   891  
Slovakia   627 481 912  
total   15513 734 546 947 1