


League: not entered
Team: FC-Porto
Days in game: 4476
on the team account: 80 975 021 155 $

Experience of team: 688.626/750
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 313 557 600 $
Stadium: Estádio do Dragão 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Koen Casteels 27.510 0 11 767 100 726
full-backs D
1 Kirill Nababkin 10.750 0 4 864 500 0
  Jairo Riedewald 10.180 0 4 611 000 0
5 Max Bauer 10.580 0 4 622 900 98
half-backs MD
71 Nayair Tiknizyan 23.310 48 9 376 000 875
  Andre Franco 10.000 0 4 500 000 0
forwards FC
9 Robert Bozenik 20.845 0 9 834 000 0
  Oumar Traore 14.185 0 6 610 500 0
11 Chidera Ejuke 29.725 927 7 571 500 1143
255 Pedro Raul 10.000 0 4 500 000 0
  Maksim Sidelnikov 12.310 0 5 670 000 0
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Hendrik van Crombrugge   42.340 0 20 579 500 27
2 Joel Drommel   42.635 0 19 614 900 512
full-backs D
3 Antef Tsoungui   17.645 0 8 205 500 25
  Aleksa Stanisavljevic   36.940 0 17 805 400 131
  Leif Davis   40.216 0 19 509 500 15
half-backs MD
1 Konstantin Kuchaev   32.800 0 15 777 000 0
5 Zizo   39.385 0 19 151 000 0
255 Yaroslav Dol   35.505 109 16 035 000 360
22 Konstantin Maradishvili     51.085 0 24 816 000 0
255 Makar Pestov   43.325 88 17 606 000 1051
10 Tonio Teklic   34.335 2 16 344 500 69
255 Magnus Grodem   25.835 0 12 246 400 0
forwards FC
  Luca Moro   27.080 3 13 048 600 9
3 Ronielson Barbosa   40.105 54 18 890 800 92
total: 25 / 25 688.626   313 557 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 46.149 34.06
center 35.764 42.664
right flank 50.342 18.11
Power of stuff: 227.091
trainer Dejan Djurdjevic (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.4543 games: 4932
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2987 games: 14576
The number of won private leagues: 35

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Portugal   93 001 734  
total   1865 93 001 734 1