


League: not entered
Team: CSKA_Moskva_
Days in game: 4550
on the team account: 11 146 834 772 $

Experience of team: 1307.754/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 580 190 500 $
Stadium: CSKA_Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Danila Bokov 65.520 0 28 594 800 1059
1 Igor Akinfeev 65.520 0 30 774 400 2
full-backs D
  Ilya Agapov 65.420 0 28 388 300 770
  Bruno Fuchs 16.855 0 7 875 000 0
78 Igor Diveev 65.520 0 28 483 300 730
1 Danil Krugovoy 65.520 0 27 505 100 1127
half-backs MD
  Nikita Ermakov 65.520 313 25 983 800 956
  Matvey Kislyak 65.320 0 30 662 000 187
1 Ivan Oblyakov 65.210 79 28 777 200 514
forwards FC
  Tamerlan Musaev 65.520 698 25 724 200 566
1 Egor Ushakov 65.310 1120 22 865 500 1017
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
84 Ilia Lantratov   50.800 0 24 675 000 0
full-backs D
  Aleksandr Silyanov   33.415 0 15 992 400 32
  Khellven   62.145 0 28 343 700 386
  Mikhail Ryadno   60.520 0 27 125 300 571
  Moises Barbosa   25.660 0 11 451 100 371
half-backs MD
  Kirill Glebov   47.020 118 18 696 800 853
1 Milan Gajic   63.624 39 28 889 200 309
1 Maksim Mukhin   37.615 11 18 233 700 24
  Victor Mendez   43.260 29 20 570 900 202
forwards FC
1 Vladislav Yakovlev   37.760 11 18 230 800 36
7 Victor Davila   46.850 214 20 771 000 324
  Abbosbek Fayzullaev   59.965 17 28 883 200 32
1 Fedor Chalov   46.965 1 22 708 300 4
10 Aleksandr Vakulich   20.920 0 9 985 500 0
total: 25 / 25 1307.754   580 190 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 21.241 173.079
center 175.897 240.982
right flank 84.903 38.251
Power of stuff: 734.356
trainer Hans Meyer (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.6795 games: 7089
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.8527 games: 13610
The number of won private leagues: 53

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   715  
Russia   114 350 517  
total   2330 114 351 232 2